Chapter 4

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Liam's P.O.V

I don't know what is going on with her; she won't tell me and will suffer alone. Since she left me in the kitchen I have been thinking about her and the way she was so distracted the whole evening. I just hope it's not something big she is struggling with. How do I show her that I am here for her and help her out and she can trust me.

So I decided that from now on I won't leave her alone for anything that has to be done. I will stay by her side as always and even drive her everywhere. There was nothing new for us to stay with each other for whole days.

I saw the clock that was on my nightstand and it said 5:30 in the morning. Today it was my turn to drive us to school so I had to get up early. In about 20 minutes I was done with my shower and going through my closet to see what to go with today. I found a black t-shirt that was gifted by Charlotte and black skinny jeans, with combat boots.

When I was downstairs, my mom was just starting her coffee maker in the kitchen. "Hey there, someone is up early." She commented and I turned and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Good morning to you too mum" I turned to get the coffee for me and Charlotte for a ride to school. "I have to tell you that Charlotte has to start from today so bring her to the office directly after school and you can help her understand the system of work okay?"
"Ya will be there. Gotta go. Bye Love you." I turned and gave her a quick kiss on cheek and left with my leather jacket and my backpack. I was in the car half way to Charlotte's house when I realized that the coffee I made for us was still on the kitchen counter. I facepalmed myself and continued driving. I drifted in my thoughts.

It's just weird that since sometime she has been acting a little strange and distant. I don't know how to help her and make her tell me but I understood that forcing her was not an option in this situation. I can at least tell that from her eyes that there was something deep that was surfacing again and hunting her again but she is someone that would say nothing till she couldn't handle it anymore. I have seen her going through this before but that was just about a stupid break up. That time she acted as if she was not affected but then one night my phone rang and I picked it up to hear a broken sob come from the other end and I knew then that she was finally letting it all out. That whole night I spent at her apartment trying to make the pain a bit easy.

It was definitely different this time. It was something deep, something old, something that caused all the nightmares to her that I was sure about.

I stopped in front of her apartment and was about to call her but I saw her walk through the door and out. She just climbed in and turned towards me with one of her strained smile

"Oh so you remembered that our school starts early and you have to get up."

"And Good Morning to you too Ms. Sass"

I started the car and set off for the school. "Harlo mum told me to bring you to the office straight after school so you're ok with that right?" I ask just to make sure she doesn't have any plans that I don't know of.

"That's fine but I need to ask you something......when do I get off from there because I have the duty at the hotel and the manager his quite strict with the timing....well in general with everything and he has been giving me hard time for just accidentally breaking a vase that was clearly out of its place. I just want to punch him in the face but you know I can't because that little shit is going to hand me my paycheck." She started rambling and it seemed normal and it went on till we were at the school parking lot.

"Do you want me to punch him for that, you know I would love to do that." I offered while I smirked and she laughed "Oi I am not letting you steal that from me" she slapped my arm and got out of the car.

"You know what I can do I can just trip someone who is carrying a hot gravy on him and say 'Oh shit you got burned'" she laughed an evil laugh and I joined in with the idea to take a pretty good revenge on him. We were discussing the ideas till Emma popped out from nowhere beside me.

"Good Morning handsome, Good morning Harlo" she seemed to be in a good mood for a person who has just broken up but that did not bother me as much as the name she used for Harlo. "Only I can call her that so bucker off" I replied, getting annoyed at once. "Oh come on don't be a baby" she said taking my arm in her hand. I just shook out of her hand and went straight to my locker not waiting for them.

"I think he didn't have his morning coffee" I heard Charlotte say as they made their way to her locker that was well just beside mine.

Well she was right about that. And shortly after we were joined by the others and greetings were exchanged. Thursday was the only day where I had all the classes with Charlotte. So no matter how the day started I was going to have a good day.

The warning bell rang and we dispersed to get to our own classes. Charlotte was walking beside me for the class "what got into you back there with Emma?" she asked as we walked in the class. I kinda ignored her as we made our way to sit at the back. She nudged me and I gave in. "I don't like when anyone calls you that" I confessed lowly "Well you call me that yourself don't you?" she countered. I was about to say something but the teacher walked in and called the class to order and we well, I didn't say a word for the next hour.

A bonus and an early update for you guys as I am going out this weekend and won't have enough time to write and update 🙃 so enjoy 😀you guys. And comment how you like the story 😉

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