Chapter 14

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Charlotte’s P.O.V


(Flash Back)

“Just look at them, they look so happy and good together” the maid whispered to the other maide while looking at a young couple in the garden.

In the garden there were two families sitting and talking and two kids running around with something in their hand.  The Brown’s and the Greyson’s were very close and had huge business companies. The heads of the family were best of friends and they were known to be the most dangerous mafia in the whole country and were known to have global connection to the mafias so everyone knew better than to mess with them.

“Hey let’s go out for dinner” the young girl runs up to her father with a smile and suggests the plan. “Sure, honey where do you wanna go?”

“How about Applebees, what say, Jake?” She turns to the boy standing near her, who agrees frantically and both the families decide to go out for the dinner.

“Alex when we become adults, we will get married.” Jake said, chewing on his fries.

“No, I don’t want to marry you because you bully me.” Small Alex says making a pouty pace and taking fries.

“I promise I won’t bully; then will you marry me?”

“I will think about it then. Will you love me the way my dad loves my mom?”

“I will love you even more, more than anyone can imagine.”

Alex blushes and hides the face in her sleeve. Jake gives out a small laugh and pulls on her arm that is raised.

“Hey what are you doing sitting in the car?” A knock on the window brought me back from the memories. Those honey brown eyes staring at me through the window. I step out of the car and start walking to the building of my class, ignoring him, maybe more like running from him.

“Hey I have a question, are you allergic to me or what because whenever I see you, you always run away from me?”

“Look mister…” I turn back without a warning and Jake walks straight into me. I lost my balance and was about to hit the ground when strong arms and oh so familiar grip held me midair. I feel all the air being knocked out of me and I found myself lost in those beautifully devilish eyes of his, it’s been almost 5 years since he last held me like this, looked me in the eye, kissed my forehead. This smile of his was the last thing I saw that night before I lost every faith I had. He pulls me up “Are you ok?” this concern is it true or its just an act.

“I am fine, thanks for the help but please stay away from me.” I say stepping back from him, he is making it hard for me to not cry and give in to him. Without saying a word, I turn and dash for the class and hear footsteps following me. This is all too familiar to me.

Man, where is Liam when I need him is all I can think about now. It's bio class and today we will be given lab partners and today is the day Liam thought skipping school would be fun and I am stuck here by myself. The chair beside me moved and thought it was Liam, “where the hell have you been, I was waiting for you, dumbass.”

“Well now that’s a pleasure to me that you waited but I doubt I am a dumbass.” A strong husky voice said and sent shivers down my spine, what is he doing here and why of all places is he next to me, I am going to kill Liam for not showing up today. “This seat is reserved, please leave” I say without looking at him.

“Ok let’s start, well as you all know the rules, whoever is sitting next to each other is going to be lab partners for the whole year, so you have 2 minutes to change or else be where you are and no complaints.” Ms. Raina, our bio teacher, eyed the class.

I was about to stand up but Jake held my hand with a tight grip and whispered in my ear, “Don’t go love, I need you to be my partner for me to go forward.” All he said and I was frozen to my place, I couldn’t move even if I felt like running, I couldn’t move my hands to even punch him I was just frozen in my seat.

(Flash Back)

“Well, isn’t this fun my love, me holding you while you scream to go, I love you honey and I always have why do you scream to run away?”

“Let me go, I haven’t done anything just let me go, why are you doing this, this is not you, you were never like this, what has gotten into you?” I scream as I feel the tears rolling down my face.

“You are my precious little gift, don’t cry dear I will have to kill you if you continue to cry, such a waste of beauty it will be, so don’t cry and let me do what I have to.”

“Don’t touch me you bastard, get your filthy hands off me, I am not your honey get lost.” I Scream as I start to kick and move around trying to get free.

Sharp pain hits in my head as something hard hits me in the head and everything goes dark as I see blood falling from my eyelids.


“Its good that we are in this together, you see I don’t know a thing about human body and I don’t wanna fail in this class.” Such a liar, the first thing you were taught as a kid was where are the points in body to hit and what are the vital organs to damage. I just nod and shift my focus to front of the class and trying my best not to let him affect me so much.

🌸✌🏻 Enjoy 😉

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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