Chapter 6

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Liam’s P.O.V

I don’t know why I am so pissed. I haven’t talked to Harlo for 2 hours. We fought, I know that but this was something different. None of us makes a move to talk to the other one. I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Charlotte turn around. I heard her say Michel and that added to my anger. I hate that guy, he has asked Charlotte out more then I have fingers and she has shot him down every time. Why doesn’t he take a hint that she is not fucking interested and just go the heck away.

Oh great, one more attempt. Charlotte never lets me speak to him as she knows that if I speak, it won’t be good.
“She has planes with me and you are not invited, so just get off, don't make me turn around.” I responded to him without even realizing that. It was as if my mouth had got its own mind. I got a hit on my arm from Charlotte and I hissed at her.

I am pissed that she was trying to save that shit from me instead of letting me make him back off. I don’t know where she finds this kind heart that everyone is trying to hurt and break. The bell rang and I was out in no time. If I had stayed there then Michel might have tasted my fist.

I am at my locker when I see Charlotte talk to some guy. I think he is new here and that’s why he is messing with her.
“Hey Liam” I heard Luke as I turned to face him. He is standing near the cafeteria doors. I walk to him.

“Hi” I reply but don’t get a response from him. I look at him and see him staring somewhere. I followed his gaze and saw that Charlotte was running to the doors to go out with a shocked face on.

“Guys what is happening?” Josh asked as he appeared behind me and Luke. He had two burgers in his tray. I took those and gave Luke a look that said ‘explain him I am going after her’.
I followed Charlotte out to the ground and when I reached the ground I saw that she was hiding behind a tree. That tree is the one where she used to sit when she was new here and she did not have that many friends. After she joined my group she would come here when she was anxious or nervous and right now I am not able to make out what she is feeling.

When I reached her she was shaking badly and her cheeks were stained with tears. I bend down to hear her mumbling something about ‘he’. I don’t understand what she is saying so I just wrap my arms around her. She jumps in my embrace.

“It’s me, your Liam” I say, trying to calm her down. On hearing my voice she seemed to have come back to me and I felt a bit of relief that she is back to me and is able to hear me. I turn her around and I look at her face. I felt my heart clench, the look in her eyes was so lost and hurt. Her eyes were lost in the darkness and I could see her battle with herself for holding herself together. I wanted to help her but I don’t know what to do and how to help her. I can see it in her eyes that she was losing it again and was fading away from me. I try to call out to her but I am not able to feel my voice. Seeing her like this makes me hurt inside. I try again and manage to form a small and soft tone “Hey! You ok?” I pulled her chin up till our eyes met and I saw her break in front of my eyes. I don’t know what’s bothering her but I need to get her out of here no matter what. I feel her arms around me and I see that she is trying to reassure me instead of it being the other way around.

I hand her the burger as I think of skipping the school and going to the house or her apartment. “Let’s get out of here” I say and turn around to check the guards on the gate. She doesn’t fight back, she just hums in reply and stands.
I was quick to get out the back where there was no guard. I sent a text to Luck explaining the situation.

We headed back to my place on foot; we left my car in the parking lot for Luck to pick it up. She is walking ahead of me with her hands back, looking here and there turning around just to check if I am still there. All of a sudden I feel a hug from behind and I see Charlotte’s eyes go wide and then narrow. That indicates the person hugging is not someone from our group or a person of liking.

I turn around to be met by black pair of eyes, and a smirk on her face. As soon as I register who it was I am hyper aware of Charlotte watching me and Lexi. My ex hates Charlotte and to be honest the hate was mutual between them.

What is coming next is going to be interesting as they haven’t met for almost 6 months and the last time they met I had to carry Charlotte out of the bar in my arms just so she won’t smash a bottle to Lexi’s head.

Sorry guys for being M.I.A for long 😅 but I had my exams and was not able to complete this chapter for long..... But anyway I am back with a chapter 😌
I am sorry if this is a crap chapter and you all can leave some ideas and suggestions in the comments section 😊 😉
Enjoy you guys 😁

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