Chapter 10

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Charlotte’s P.O.V

It’s been two weeks since I have seen James. Everything with Jake has been normal, nothing out of the ordinary. He did try to approach me but only when I was alone but thanks to my group someone was always around.

“Hey there!” Emma comes from the front door and gets comfortable on my sofa.

“Hey..... Wait how did you enter? I am sure I locked the door.” I ask as I get in front of her. “You gave me your spare key, remember?” She showed me the key and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

“So listen , the guys were saying they are going to the bar so do you wanna join or should we have a girls night instead?” Emma looks up at me.

“I don’t feel like going to a bar so girls night it is” I give a smile and see Emma jump up and hug me before running to the door and shouting that she will be back with Emily and we are doing a sleepover.

As Emma leaves i start to prepare for the food because we will need some midnight snack, cause there is no way in the world we are sleeping.

I smile to myself as I pour some of the vodka in the jar to make a punch.  It's been a long time since we had a sleepover. I am sure those two would have a lot to tell and I will be the one listening as always. I don’t say this to them but ya i do love those idiots. As I finish putting the batter for the pancake aside, my phone goes off. It's an unknown number, who would be calling me at this hour, i think I shouldn't pick it up if I don't know who it was on the other end. Before I could do anything it turned off so I didn't bother to check the number out.

In about 15 minutes Emma and Emily were here. We sat down and started chatting about random stuff. It was dinner time when the topic I wanted to avoid came up.

“want to eat pizza or Chinese food?” I tried to find the phone to call the place to order.

“Pizza” came in unison as I found my phone. I called the pizza place and ordered 2 pizzas.

“well do you know who lives near the pizza's Jake.” Emily said, taking a sip of her coke.

“Really? Then why don’t we go down there instead of ordering it here. What say Charlotte?” Emma looks at me with her hopeful eyes. I don’t understand why they are fangirling over a guy like that, Ok I can be biased because I know the real him but come on how can you like a guy who is nothing but rude and arrogant.

“I am not interested sorry” I turn around and go towards the kitchen.

“What is exactly going on between you two, because I have caught him staring at you multiple times and have seen him trying to talk to you but you just won’t stop and talk to him?” Emma asks following me in the kitchen with Emily at her tail.

“There is nothing between me and him; I don’t know that guy and I don’t like him a bit so I just try to avoid all the chances he gets to talk to me.” I answer as I pour out the punch that I made earlier.

“but he is so cute and he is The Jake Brown, the heir of Brown industries, the handsome bachelor and a sweetheart and the dream boy for every girl. Don’t you know how many of the girls in our school have already asked him out but he denied them saying he has his eyes set on someone more beautiful and a strong girl. He meant you all along. I really think he likes you.” Emily says taking the mug of punch and going to the living room and flopping on the sofa.

“ohhh he doesn’t like me at all so don’t go around saying stuff like that.” I say as we follow her and take our seat on the flower. We sat in silence for a while. I was about to ask when they saw him stare at me but before I could ask the bell rang.

"I will get it." I stood up and got the door, i was expecting the pizza to arrive but it was someone else. It was Jake with the pizza. Wait what the fuck how was he here and why was he here?

“ohh so here is where you live.” He said it with a smirk and I just had the gut feeling that this is not going to be the start of something very dangerous.

Emma and Emily appear behind me. “i thought I heard a familiar voice” Emily gave him a cheerful smile and all i could think about was he knows where i live and if he finds out who i am it would be easy for him to lock me in the corner and restrict my movement.

“So you girls are having a sleepover huh?” he said with such sweetness that i wanted to puke and tell him to shut his mouth.

“Yeah. Wanna join?” Emma asked, being all flirty and sounding smitten. I stamped on her foot and said “ I think he is working so it won’t be fair to make him lose his precious time and money so let’s not waste his time and let him go.” I handed him the money and was about to close the door when he said, “ I don't mind joining you girls but I need to complete my shift. But I can make it by the time off 11, see you then girls.” He winked at me and turned around.

I closed the door and shit he was going to come here. Shit he will see me in my natural habitat and he will surely recognise me. Fuck this is not good shitttt.

Sorry for being MIA for so long but I got my resons. It's good to be back and being able to upload another chapter. So yeah enjoy you guys 😉😁

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