Chapter 8

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Charlotte P.O.V

Liam runs off to the field and I go up the stands and take a seat. As I was searching the field for Luke and Josh I was met by a pair of brown eyes staring at me from the end of the field. It was him, ‘Jack’, I tried to tear my eyes away from him but couldn’t, his eyes were as beautiful as they were 5 years ago but I don’t know, somehow I feel he has changed. I finally tear my eyes away from him and land on Liam who is waving at me; I wave back as he turns around and bumps into Jake. My breath hitches as they exchanged a few words and the look on Liam’s face told me that he was not pleased with Jack being there.

The trials started and they were all divided into teams and they started with the drills. Liam and Jack were doing great but I was afraid that if this was kept on soon Liam and Jake will be standing against each other for being the quarterback. As per my experience, you don’t want Jack as your enemy if you don’t have the power to deal with it.

It was now an hour and half later they started the game and as I feared Liam and Jack were there at the position of quarterback on either team. The game started and the battle began neither of them was giving the other a slightest chance to go through. I could see the thirst to win in their body language. The game went on and finally the buzzer buzzed and the teams were tied.

“Good game you all. This year the tryouts were really good and you all did a great job. The people who were on the team last year also proved why they were selected so well. You all will get the final list of names on the notice board by next week. Now off you go.”

With that everyone went to the changing room and the girls came back from the cheerleading squad. “Hey this year you didn’t participate, why?”

“Cheerleading is not my thing. It’s just not me to stand there dancing for the team I belong on the stands shouting curses at the opposite team.” I wink at Emma.

We walk back out of the field towards the parking lot when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I tune around to find brown orbs staring at my face.

“Hey get your hand off of me.” I push Jack’s hand away and step back.

“Sorry there but I didn’t know your name and this was the only way to male you stop. By the way, what is your name? I know we started on the wrong foot but can we try again?” all I could think was does he know that it’s me? Did he recognize who I was? But if he did, is he acting all this being nice or he is still the Jack Brown that I knew 5 years back. To find that all out I have to play along with him.

“Hi, Charlotte.”

“Jack Brown. Nice to meet you.”

“ I have to go, so bye” I turn around and the girls give me a look that says ‘come on you shouldn’t be that cold to him, he is so cut’.

“See you tomorrow Charlotte.” Jack shouted as we walked away from him.

“Lottie are you ok like do you have a fever or something. Why are you so cold to him, he is so cute and handsome.” Emma says as we reach the parking lot. “yeah and he was so nice to you and he was such a gentleman.”

Anna joins in with an already annoying conversation. They don’t know him the way I know he is just a good face but when it comes to life with him or relationships you don’t want to get tangled in it.

“Hey Harlo mom called and said she is making you dinner as well so you are coming with me to my place is it cool?” Liam comes from behind and swings his arm around my neck and pulls me close to him.

Being close to him gives me peace and a sense of calm like the whole world around went invisible to me, there are no worries, no problems, no nonsense and much more. But I don’t think he knows that he has this effect on me.

We all said our goodbyes and went to our cars and I followed Liam back to his car. The drive home was silent. The dinner was as always talkative and making fun of one another.

It was late when I left for my apartment from Liam’s place “I will drop you, just let me grab my keys and we can go” Liam says standing in the doorway. Before he turns I speak up “I will walk, don't worry about me, my apartment is just 5 blocks away, no one is going to rob me in this neighborhood so chill and go inside.” I tune away from him and start walking towards my apartment.

It was a nice and peaceful night. The sky was lit up by the moon and the stars. It felt good to be in the open and see the sky. When I was small my mum used to take me to the park and make me watch the stars and whenever I see the stars I remember all the good days from my home. It’s like you can never forget where you belong and that’s home.

When I reach my apartment building I see someone standing there waiting for someone and that figure turns towards me and takes a step. That freaks me out.

Hey guys I am back with a Chapter. Hope you all like it ☺ Due to my exams I have been M.I.A I want to write but can't ignore the stupid exams so... anyways tell me how you like it and show some love ❤
Enjoy sweeties 😘
Happy New Year to everyone in advance ✨ 💖 😊

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