Chapter 5

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Charlotte’s P.O.V

The morning went by just fine but I had a feeling that something was up with Liam. He was never the one to get annoyed that easily and that too in the morning. I don’t want to dig deep in something that has no depth to be reached. The first hour went in silence and so did the second and now, it doesn’t seem he is going to talk soon. I came out of my trail of thoughts as someone pushed my leg. I turned around to see that it was Michel the geek who has been trying to make me go on a date with him.

“Hey Michel! What’s up?” I asked, seeing that the teacher was distracted. “Ummmm….. I was thinking if you are……if you were…….umm free this Friday? I kinda planned a movie date for us. Charlotte just give me a chance. I promise you won’t regret it.” He was looking at me with those hopeful eyes. He really was a nice guy but not my type. I told him that so many times but he just won’t quit.

“She has planes with me and you are not invited, so just get off, don't make me turn around.” Suddenly Liam spoke up before I could.

I just smiled apologetically at him before turning back. I smacked Liam’s arm.

“What?” he hisses at me in pain.

“Why did you have to be that rude to him?”

 “Oh! So you want to go on a date with him huh?”

“No but I could have said no politely unlike you.”

The bell rang and he was out of the class before I could even stand up from my desk. This is never like us; yes we do eat each other’s heads off but not this way. I went out the door and walked into someone. My head hit someone’s shoulder. “Sorry didn’t…” I looked up and saw a big guy with honey brown eyes staring at me and he had a smug smile on his face.

“Aren’t you a cutie now” he says and tries to touch my cheeks but before his fingers touch my cheek I grab his hand. “What do you want? And who are you?”

I haven’t seen him around the school. He might be a new addition to our batch.

“Well I am new here and you are feisty.” He confirms my assumption with a smirk.

“F.Y.I  you are not allowed to touch me without my permission and you are new, so be in your boundaries because we don’t want bad guys at your thought now do we little one!”

I roughly threw his hand back and left from the center of the crowd that was watching the scene. When I reached my locker I saw Emma watching somewhere with wide eyes.

“What?” I ask her to snap her out of her trance from wherever she was starring.

“Do you know who you just told off?” she asked me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Yeah! A jerk!” I turned and put my books back in my locker as it was lunch time.

“No you idiot. You just told off the heir of the multimillion company, the one and only Jack Brown.” On hearing that name the blood in my veins froze. I could not move and my chest felt tight. I felt like there was no air in this hallway. It seemed that my legs had their own mind and they started running out of the doors of the school. I could hear faint calls of my name but I didn’t want to stop because I just couldn’t.

I went to the ground where no one would be able to find me and see me. Realizing that I was the only one here, the tears started falling uncontrollable. The only thing that I could think was that ‘he is here’. He is really here and he didn’t know it was me. He doesn’t know me. He is unaware that the possibility of me being here and alive is even there.

I felt two strong hands hugging me from behind and I jumped in the unexpected embrace. “It’s me. Your Liam.” I heard that familiar husky voice calling me out of the darkness I was feeling trapped in. That’s when I realized that I was on the ground behind a tree curled up in a ball in myself and shivering badly.

“Hey! You ok?” Liam places his finger under my chin and pulls my face up till our eyes meet and I was not able to keep the tears in. In response to his question I just give him a hug and I try to pull myself together. I don’t want my best friend to be pulled into this mess that I thought I had left back long ago.
I wipe my eyes and stand, looking down to Liam who is still in the same place on the ground.

“I am fine just got myself into a fight and couldn’t hold the anger in.” I tried to reason but failed miserably. I can see it in his blue orbs that he did not believe me at all but he decided to let it slide as he stood up without any questions asked, I was thankful for that.

“Here is your lunch” he says, pulling a burger out of his bag and handing it to me. “Thought you wouldn’t want to go back to the cafeteria, when I saw you run out the doors.”

“Thanks for this.” I smile at him with a small smile. He is always there to help me, to pick the pieces that have broken and fallen to the ground. I am really grateful to have him as my best friend. He sets the bag aside and looks at me with worry in his eyes.

“I am fine. Don’t over think it all okay? And anyway tell how the things go at Jenna’s office. I don’t wanna make a fool of myself on the first day.” I try to change the topic and try to make a joke.
“Oh don’t worry you are already a fool” he smiles.

 It seemed to work partially because the worry didn’t leave his eyes yet he gave me a small smile and took a bite of his burger. I love the way we can just be there and leave the reality for a while. It’s so easy to forget the things that happened when I am with Liam. It is like he is my personal medicine for any kind of distress. 

Hey guys hope you are liking the way this is going on. I am open for suggestions 😊 and do tell me how you are liking it 😉
Enjoy 😘😍

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