Chapter 3

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This one is unedited so please ignore the mistake 😇 so go ahead and enjoy you guys ❤

Charlotte P.O.V

I don’t know what to do and how to tell him the truth that I have been hiding for so long. I fear that he would abandon me; he may say I am a liar and break our friendship. I have lost enough people to lose him too. How am I suppose to tell something that changed my life drastically. I was snapped back to reality by a hand on my cheek. Liam was stroking my cheek,

“Hey you ok? If want to talk let’s take a walk ok!”  This time I knew he won’t let this go, I have been avoiding these questions for long enough I need to tell him but, there is always this fucking ‘but’ in my head. I need to tell him when I am ready, when the time is correct.

“No I am perfectly fine. I was just thinking about that dark room in which I was trapped in my nightmare.” I didn’t say the truth but didn’t lie either.
“Don’t worry I am here for you.” He gives me his that crooked and charming smile that dazzles his eyes with joy and pure emotions. I mirror his smile but couldn't mirror the emotions in his eyes even if I tried and there was a throat clearance sound and we turned to the faces staring at us.


“So I am off guys. Meet you at school tomorrow and if not their then trials.” Luke was off with others as he was everyone’s ride back home. It was just me and Liam. We decided to play some video games.

After an hour or so there was a knock on the door and our both head turn and we see Jenna. “Dinner is ready kids come on and eat.” We follow her out and go to the dinning area. The table was set neatly and the food looked delicious. We were shortly joined by Liam’s brother Matt and his dad Roger.
“So how was your first day Charlotte?” Roger asks. “Good but of course not complete without a school drama.” I say and the conversation lifts and in no time everyone was talking and laughing. It was nice to be surrounded by a family. Ever since I moved in the town Liam’s family has been helping me and kinda baby sitting me as well. They were the ones who helped me settle down. Liam was the first and the best friend I made when I moved here.

“Hey Charlotte I had to ask you for a small favor if you have time?” Jenna was looking at me.

“Ya sure shoot.”

“I need help at my office actually. I am firing my assistant she is not doing any good and lost me an important meeting. I need you to be my assistant for a while, only till I don’t find a new assistant. Can help me with that?”

“Oh ok maybe I can adjust my schedule and help you out till you find a new assistant.”

We smile and continue our dinner. There was a smug smile on Liam’s face for no apparent reason.

After dinner I help Liam with the dishes and when I check my watch it was late. “I need to go it’s getting late. See ya at the school.” I turn and give him a hug and peak him on the cheek and go towards the door.

“Don’t be late lazy, tomorrow you are driving us.” I popped my head back in the kitchen and give a wink and left Liam standing there. I say my goodbyes to his family and get to my car.

Being back at my apartment was making me feel alone but at least I was safe here, no one was out for me. I get to bed and just hope for the best day ahead.


“You are not going anywhere. No one can save you.”

“Please let me go I didn’t do anything please let me go.”

“No one cares about you; you are just a little shit but that to pretty shit. Let me taste you.” He was coming towards me and there was no room to run and hide I was stuck.

“HELP ME PLEAS SOMEONE HELP ME” I start screaming my lungs out.


The cold water was calming my nerves. I could breathe again. I couldn’t sleep properly. I was up early like at 4 in the morning. I decided not to go back and sleep. Today I had off duty at the hotel. I got dressed and made myself breakfast and waited for Liam to come and get me for school.

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