Chapter 12

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P.O.V Charlotte

Jake made himself comfortable opposite me on the sofa and Emma was practically drooling all over him as she sat right next to him bumping their shoulders.

“So, what’s the plan? What are we doing?” Jake said, looking at me but then turning to Emma.

“Well Charlotte wants to stay in but I want to go to a club” Emma says pouting.

“You know I didn’t say no to the club I just said I am not moving from here; you guys can go ahead without me and I will enjoy my drinks and movie here with Liam.”

“As if we were going to leave you here, don’t be such an imbecile” said Emily from the side with Josh agreeing with her.

“Well, if we can’t go to the club, we can surely bring the club to us” Jake stood up and so did Liam eyeing him and was about to shut down the idea but I interrupted.

“You see J…. Only you and Emma are interested in partying so I suggest that you take Emma out for fun and enjoy but keep her safe and bring her home by 2 in the morning. Emma, are you ok with that?” knowing that, all Emma wanted was to hang out with him I just prompted the idea. I know he won’t hurt her as he needs her to be in my contact but I know this as well that he will not harm anyone just as soon as he comes to the new school.

“Are you sure Lotte? I will not go if you feel that you need me or I am being selfish.” Emma said moving forward as expected and gave her a smile and nodded yes.

“What say Jake? Wanna go?” Emma asked in excitement and Jake gave me a look that said really you gonna do that. “You see, enjoying and dancing in a club is fun only when everyone is there so why don’t we do it some other time when everyone is in the mood for the club.” He says that keeping a hand on Emma’s leg to get his way.

I could see everything now the way he manipulated people and the way he got what he wanted no matter what the action be or the consequences be. I feel a tug from behind me to see that Luke had finally decided to wake up and speak. “Hey why don’t we all go out on a drive and see the city lights, what say?” I think that when Luke is drunk, he is normal like us but when he is sober there is some idiot taking over him.

I look at Liam to find him already looking at me. “I think it's fine with me that we all go out and these idiots can sober themselves up.” I nodded in agreement to Liam. All I could think of was how to get Jake out of my house and then come back to pack and move, I need a new place to live. I don’t know why but the thought that he knows where I live is a huge issue with me, but I know I can’t make sudden rash decisions. It may draw too much attention to me or even blow my cover.


As we were at the car, I saw Jake trying to ask me to sit with him but Liam opened the door for me in his car and I gladly went in. The contact between them was very dangerous as if they were fighting a non-verbal war.

We went on for a drive and ended up on the hill behind the school and saw the city lights from there and the fresh air felt good at night. The breeze was cool and felt gentle on the skin, I felt someone closing the distance to me from behind. I turned to bump into the hard chest of the person who I was trying so hard to avoid. His toned body was under my pam, I could feel his abbs, his chest and his heart beat right under my hands. I took a step back but he took one forward, I didn’t dare to look up at him. He pulled me closer to him and all the memories came crashing back the touch and the breath of mint was the one to hammer the last nail.


(Flash Back Memories)

“Hey where do you think you are going” Jake said laughing as I was running from him after spraying water on him from the watering can.

“I am faster than you, you will never catch me”

“Oh, don’t challenge me, I will catch you, just see.”

We ran around the whole garden while our parents were talking and after a while, he caught me in the playroom.

“Hahaha, I caught you see”

“Fine you win, now can we go down, I am hungry” I say, getting my hand free from his grip.

“I have a surprise for you, I made something, I think you will like it.” He said again, holding my hand and dragging me to the kitchen. He showed me the cupcake he made with small A’s and J’s over them. “Wow they are amazing, can I eat them all” I said, taking one with A in my hand and biting right in. When I was done with the second suddenly came the cake to my face and all went black and my eye hurt.


I felt a pull on my shoulder and I was shifted to some else and I felt my body relax in the most familiar touch, Liam.

“Hey, Harlo you ok? Did he do something to you? Are you fine?” I could hear panic in his voice as I turned and smiled at him and hugged him and he went quiet.

After an hour or so we decided to go home and this time Liam said the girls will go to his place and Jake was not invited and I was so thankful for that.

As we reached his place the girls started discussing something about Jake but I went to bed straight and said my good nights to everyone. I felt the bed deepen on my right and turned to see Liam laying down next to me and was smiling at me.  I gave him a small smile and laid my head down and let sleep take over me.

Will be back with another chapter soon 😌😉

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