Chapter 13

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Charlotte's P.O.V.

It's been a month since the last encounter with Jake. He has not been coming to school and is not even seen at the pizza place, when Emma asked the owner where is he, she said that Jake had some family emergency so he had to go back to his hometown. After hearing this I was so tense that I had to try and call James to know what's up and what exactly had happened and hoping that Jake had not found out who I was.

"Hello?" James said in a very confused and cautious voice.

"Hi it's me Alex. I need to know what's going on there? Is everything ok? Are mum and dad fine? Does he know?" I asked in a hurry and panic as I was imagining the worst.

"Take a breath. Slow down a little and everything is fine and sir and ma'am are very much ok but just missing you and no he hasn't found out."

"Then why is he there in an "Emergency with family"? do I need to know something James?"

"The Brown's are taking over the other company and the other mafia 'The Eagle' as they were under so much debt from the Brown's that they had to give up the whole gang and move out of the city. You don't worry everything is ok, he might be here to undertake the gang as he is the rightful heir to the Brown Mafia." James informs me, he tries to calm me down and it just has the opposite effect.

"He is undertaking them, The Eagle is the 5th Biggest mafia and if he is taking over ohhh my what is going to happen, does dad know about this and is he really gonna let that happen?"

"Sir is well aware about the whole thing and due to that he kept the opening for the new members to join in a month prior to the final deal signing and handing over ceremony. And as a result of that there were many to join the Greyson's and due to that the men power transfer was very badly affected. Don't you worry little one we are always on our toes with everything. We are just waiting for you to come back and finish what you started."

"Its not the time yet I need to know what the fuck is Jake planning to do and what the hell happened that night and why did I lose so much and who took it from me, I need answers and without my answers I am not coming back and its better if dad and mum stop asking because my answer is not gona change." With that I hang up the call and held my head in my hands. What was I gonna do and how will I get my answers.

The bell of the apartment rang and I opened the door to find a Drunk Liam holding a shoe to his chest, actually my shoe to his chest. He stumbled in and looked at me and the sofa and back and forth a few times before going to the sofa and calling me there.

"HARLO......HARLO......HARLO" shouts Liam for some unknown reason

"Liam Shhhhh. I am right here; look I am here what is it?" ask shaking him a bit and making my presence known to him.

"You are an idiot" and with that he fell asleep and I was left with utter confusion and a laugh at the way he looked. He really is an idiot.

Surprise surprise 🤯🤯🤯 Jake is a Mafia heir. OH MY GOD

What will happen next and I am soooo excited to write further.

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