Author's Note

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Hey, readers! Thanks for giving Difference Between a chance. I hope you enjoy it and take whatever you may need from the plot and characters to help you along the complicated journey known as life.

Just a heads up, this book has footnotes. Wattpad isn't exactly footnote friendly, so I'm sorry if it feels inconvenient to flip/scroll to the end of the chapter to read any footnotes that might appear, but I promise that the footnotes are actually necessary.

You'll know if you stumble upon a footnote if the word is bolded and is followed by an asterisk (*) or two.

Without further ado, go to the next chapter to start reading Difference Between. As always, vote and comment if you like what you're reading (and I hope you really do enjoy the book). 

- words_for_food

Disclaimer: The novel's plot and characters are completely fictitious, but there are mentions of historical figures and moments ranging from Alexander the Great's rule to the Cold War that are true and accurate as far as research has been conducted. Other than these historical figures and moments, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Copyright 2021 Tiana Pham. All rights reserved.

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