Chapter 13 - Grant and Longstreet of Football

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It really isn't my day today.

I force myself to climb the bleachers and join Mom, Kean, and Marcus. Of course, there's only one seat left, and that's next to Marcus. I don't know if that's better than sitting next to Mom or not. But if I'm being positive, at least I'm not sitting between Mom and Marcus. That's probably beyond my tolerance level at this point.

"Did August tell you about his test score?" Mom asks.

I nod, tightening my grip on my backpack strap. "Yeah. He did. So what does that mean for his grade?"

"Definitely better. Thanks to you."

I shake my head. "That was all him."

"Not what he said." I glance at Marcus. He looks up at me. "He really appreciates what you did."

Is he actually acting like he hasn't avoided me for the past few days? Or that he didn't say what he did to me? Or that I said what I did to him? And is he actually nonchalant about it? How even?!

Well, I guess if he can do it, then I can do it, too. Especially with our parents here.

"I know." I drop my backpack by my feet and sit next to Marcus. "He just told me."

"And he just texted me."

Marcus holds up his phone like I need proof. I don't read his texts. Mostly because that's none of my business, and partly because I don't wanna know what August possibly said about our conversation. He probably said a lot, though, because Marcus side-eyes me.

"So," he begins, tucking his phone away. "How are things?"

"With what?" I ask. "School? Life?"

"Life, I guess."

"Pretty standard."

Besides the heavy dread in my chest from Mom thinking I'm always at fault for arguing with Marcus, Marcus thinking I'm a terrible person but still having to put up with him for family's sake, Don telling me to suppress my feelings about the whole situation, and whatever's happening with August right now.

But anyway... I smile at Marcus. "You?"

"Pretty standard," he echoes. He side-eyes me again. "And August? How are things with him?"

"Things are..." Falling apart. "... okay..." I stare down at the field, clasping my hands and letting them hang between my knees. "He still wants me to tutor him, so I guess that's what I'll do."

Marcus laughs. "Of course he does. No one could ask for a better tutor than you."

I stop myself from snapping my head in his direction. Is that... a compliment? From Marcus? To me? "Thanks..."

He shrugs. "Just telling the truth. No matter what Don says about knowing more history than you do. Even if that's true, he can't compete when it comes to passion. Or when it comes to entertaining people."

I grit my teeth. This one feels backhanded. "Thanks..."

Marcus glances at me. His eyebrows furrow a little, but if he catches the edge in my voice, he doesn't comment on it. He clears his throat and looks back down at the field. "Anyway, do you want to keep tutoring August?"

"If he wants me to. I don't really care either way."

That's not true. I care a lot. And it's not that I just want to keep tutoring him. I actually wanna hang out with him, too. Not in a romantic sense. Well, maybe a little bit. But I just want to hang out with him in general. But things are getting complicated. I don't want to make them even more complicated and end up questioning whether he sees me as a friend or more... or less... on top of whatever's happening right now.

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