Epilogue - Just Us

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The best day of the week is Sunday. That's not up for debate anymore. I love Sundays. Especially if we're having dinner at the Halloways' house. And especially if August happens to be there at the time. Which is basically every Sunday that we have dinner at the Halloways' house now.

I trail behind Mom and Don as we walk up the driveway, trying not to run ahead and shove them both aside. Kean opens the door, and I follow everyone inside. I glance around as I do. No sign of Marcus and - more importantly - August.

"Upstairs." I turn to Tobias. He smiles at me from the living room couch. "Marcus and August are upstairs in Marcus' room."

I smile. "Thank you."

Don pretends to gag. "You're disgusting."

Tobias punches him in the arm. "Shut up. They're cute."

I pause halfway up the stairs to point at Tobias. "That's why you're my favorite sibling."

Tobias points back at me. "Feeling's mutual."

Don rolls his eyes. "Why? She's so weird. She wants to steal the Key of Bastille."

I lean against the banister. "No. Not anymore. I have the better copy now." I hold up the Key of Bastille around my neck as proof.

Don gestures to me. "You're just proving my point."

Tobias elbows Don. "Nah. It's cute and cool."

Tobias and I exchange smiles. Gotta love him. But not enough to stick around and keep talking, so I wave as I run up the rest of the stairs. I grab the door jamb to Marcus' room and swing around to peer inside. Marcus is sitting on his bed while August is at the desk. They have homework spread out around them.

"Hey," I say, stepping inside.

August smiles at me. Marcus does, too, but that's quickly replaced with an exasperated look when he sees my eyes flickering to August every few seconds.

He rolls his eyes, sitting up to reach for a pillow. "Give me a second." He presses the pillow to his face and gestures with his free hand. His voice comes out muffled as he says, "Okay. Go."

August doesn't hesitate to spring up from the chair and pull me into a kiss. I laugh against his mouth, putting a hand against his chest. He pulls away, smiling down at me before he retreats back to the desk.

August shoots me one last smile before picking up his pencil. "Okay, we're good, Marcus."

Marcus peeks around the pillow before setting it aside. "That didn't take as long as it usually does..."

I sit on the edge of his bed, pushing some of his homework aside. "Why do you count?"

Marcus makes a face at me. "So I know ahead of time how long things are gonna be awkward for me."

I roll my eyes, shoving him lightly. "And I thought you were happy for us."

"Only because I thought you wouldn't be annoying about it."

We exchange sarcastic smiles before I pull his notebook towards me. I skim over it and glance at them. "Working on history?"

August nods. "Yeah. So perfect timing, Ashlyn."

Marcus smirks. "It's always perfect timing for you when she shows up."

August nods again, his smile widening. "Oh yeah. Definitely."

I feel the heat rise to my face and put all my attention in reading over Marcus' notes. I pick up his pencil and start editing while elaborating on some things. I also go over their homework answers. It feels a little like I'm doing their homework for them, but I really don't mind talking about any of this.

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