Chapter 12 - The Friendship Scale

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No matter what Tobias says about how I shouldn't apologize first, I doubt Don told Marcus the same thing. If anything, I bet Don told Marcus to wait for me to apologize to him first. Just like Socrates to do that.

But whatever the case, Marcus and I try to avoid each other as much as possible. Sometimes I see him in the hallways either by himself or talking to someone. Every time our eyes meet, he immediately starts walking in the opposite direction or disappears down another hallway or slips into a classroom.

At least I can say that I'm not provoking him. I literally can't if he won't talk to me, and even if he's part of my favorite moment, that doesn't mean I want to make terrible moments with him. So this is fine.

I almost start to think that we're not gonna talk at all, but then I remember the football game. Great. We still sit next to each other for those because - I don't know - appearances I guess. Bonding. Whatever the hell the reason is, we still sit next to each other and try to have some sort of conversation. Usually, it's about the game and what's happening, but neither of us cares all that much about it unless the team's losing really badly, it's a close game, or Tobias or Don get hurt in some way. So far, none of those things have happened to the point where we're both really invested, so it's just us sitting there and looking on while making passing comments about certain plays.

About an hour before the game starts, I force myself to leave the library and head outside to the football field. There are still some teachers and students milling around in the hallways, but it's pretty empty. Most people are probably already outside or just at home. So when I hear my name, I don't expect it to be August since he's usually in the art room at this time.

"Hey," he says, catching up with me. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

I feel the heat rise to my face. I've been feeling weirder and weirder around August each time I see him, and I blame all of it on Tobias. Admitting that I have feelings for August only made them more intense, but I still have no idea if August actually likes me. And it doesn't help when he says things even remotely indicating that he does. Or that he just exists and is talking to me. That's not helping either.

"Why didn't you just text me?" I ask.

"Wanted to talk to you in person, duh," he laughs, elbowing me.

I glance away, biting the inside of my cheek. After the game, I really need to murder Tobias.

"Talk about what?" Oh, thank god my voice comes out even.

We push the doors open and step outside. The sun already set, but the floodlights from the football field illuminate pretty much everything. There's a steady stream of chatter from the field, but it seems pretty distant now. Even when we start walking towards it. Especially with August looking at me kind of intensely right now. Or maybe that's just my imagination and Tobias' voice in my head.

"Do you know what I got on the test?" he asks.

I shake my head. "No. My mom wouldn't let me grade yours because she thought I'd be biased about it." And I didn't want to ask her after our conversation about how I apparently provoke Marcus all the time. "She never got around to telling me about it, so I can't tell you. Sorry."

His smile widens. "No. That's perfect. Because I just stopped by your mom's classroom before finding you and asked."

He stops just by the bleachers right next to the sidelines where the football players are starting to gather. This includes Tobias who arches an eyebrow at me. I give him a wide-eyed glare. He holds up his hands in surrender, laughing. I shake my head at him and turn back to August. He takes out a rolled-up packet from the inside pocket of his jacket, handing it to me.

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