Chapter 7 - A Guide Through Uncharted Territory

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"Arrogance and people skills."

I blink, glancing up from my homework. August is standing over me. The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, highlighting his eyes and face. It almost looks like his eyes are glowing brown and his skin is shining. The natural light makes his smile seem more inviting, too, but none of that really lifts my mood.

I glance around. Right, like he's not talking to me. I wish that was true. It's only lunch, and I managed to avoid him and Marcus all morning. I'll see August in Mom's class, but I went into today hoping that was the only time I'll see him.

I still don't know if what Marcus said yesterday about him only being nice to get his grade up is true. And I don't really wanna find out. So better not to know the truth at all.

"What?" I ask, sitting back against the tree.

"You called me Julius Caesar because you thought I was being arrogant when I didn't deny that I'm not trash," August explains. "And you called me Marcus Aurelius because you thought I had good people skills and was being sincere."

I nod, a smile spreading across my face. Okay, I can be a little impressed. "Not bad. Did you figure out Socrates?"

August sets his backpack down and sits next to me. "No. I don't really know Don well enough to figure out what I'm looking for. But I still get two pieces of information from you." I shut my notebook, indicating for him to go on. "Favorite color and favorite animal."

"Violet and elephants."


"That's a third question, and you don't understand Socrates yet."

He sits up. I know my tone is a little stand-offish, but I can't help it. Not after yesterday.

"Are you okay?" August asks.

I shrug, opening my notebook again. "I'm fine."

"Did something happen between you and Marcus?" I pause, my pencil pressing against the page mid-sentence. August nods. "Something did happen, didn't it? Marcus is upset today, too."

I keep writing. "So he probably told you what happened."

"Not exactly. He just said something about how it's impossible to talk to you and get you to understand."

I let out a breath, shaking my head. "Well, fuck him, too."

August pulls a foot towards him and rests an elbow on top of his knee. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I set my pencil down on the notebook and sit back. I stare straight ahead and take a deep breath. I'm definitely seething right now, but I'm coherent enough to know that it'll be unfair of me to rant to August. It'll put him between me and Marcus - more than he already is - and that'll be really awkward for him. Besides, I already feel enough like Patrick Henry. I don't need to add more reasons to why I am Patrick Henry.

"No," I say. "I'm fine."

"I don't mind listening," August assures me.

"No, but I mind talking."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see August's eyes widen. He mouths "Wow" to himself and glances away. A second later, he looks back at me. "Okay. If you don't feel like talking, how about doing something to take your mind off of things."

"Like what?"

"Bone carving." I finally spare him a glance. He smiles. "You up for it?"

The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. "There's no time--"

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