Chapter 22 - Establishing Definitive Roles

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Marcus finds me right when I get to school. He sidles up to me, staring at my phone screen over my shoulder as I write and delete some texts to August.

He makes a face. "You're not gonna apologize through text, are you?"

"No." I shove him away to give myself some space. "Give me more credit than that."

He rubs his arm. "Then what are you doing?"

"Asking him to meet me somewhere."

Before Marcus can weigh in his opinion, Tobias puts an arm around both of our shoulders, pulling us into a hug. "You two getting along is the best thing to see."

Marcus elbows him, pulling away. "Whatever. We're busy. Leave."

Tobias punches him in the arm, and Don steps in, not trying all that hard to break them apart. It's kind of amusing for a while, but my attention drifts to the other side of the courtyard. August is sitting on the bottom step to the school's entrance, a notebook in his hands. It looks like his history notebook.

Right. There's a quiz in Mom's class today. And he didn't ask me for help over the weekend. Don't blame him. But he'll probably do fine without my help. Or without me in general. That, too...

"Stop staring." I turn to Marcus as he adjusts his jacket. "It's kind of sad."

"What are we staring at?" Tobias asks.

I wave him off. "Nothing."

Don narrows his eyes, and I try to maintain eye contact, willing him to shut up and leave it alone. But then he smirks. "August... Wow, Ashlyn Artwell has a crush on someone not dead. Who knew?"

I punch him in the stomach. "Shut up."

"It's cute," Tobias laughs. "But also, I told you so."

I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. "I hate you all so much."

Don lightly brushes his hand over my head as he walks away. "Whatever. Just don't do something stupid that gets you hurt."

"And also tell us if he does something to hurt you," Tobias adds before following Don.

I roll my eyes, turning to Marcus. "And what's your advice?"

Marcus slides his hands in his pockets. "Don't be stupid and have a good apology ready."

That's probably the most useful advice I've gotten this morning. "Got it."

"So are you gonna go talk to him now or...?"

I glance at August and back to Marcus. "Actually..." I tell Marcus what I'm thinking. The longer I talk, the more his expression turns into disbelief. "Can you not look at me like that?"

That only makes Marcus give me an even more incredulous look. "But this is way too complicated. It'd be so much easier if you went and apologized now."

"I'm stalling, okay?" I grab the Key of Bastille. "I need time to work up the nerve to do this."

Marcus rolls his eyes. "Okay. Whatever you want. Do you need help with this?"

"Can you do recon for me?"

He arches an eyebrow. "I'm not giving you information on August."

I give him an exasperated look. "I'm not asking you to do that. Just tell me every once in a while if he wants nothing to do with me until I actually talk to him."

Marcus nods. "Okay. I can do that." He glances in August's direction and back to me. He holds his hands out like he's trying to bring me down from the verge of a mental breakdown. Which he probably is. "Just make sure it's a good apology. And explain to him everything you're thinking like you did with me."

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