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so i'm not very good at writing so if i spell anything incorrectly just let me know.  also i have gathered some of the sentences in here from other things i found so please don't attack me. i'm just trying my best here okay? please enjoy. also if you didn't eat or drink anything please do so now. you are loved and you are important! bye,bye my little gremlins! ENJOYYYY (Also in this AU Ranboo only shows the top half of his face meaning he doesn't wear the glasses.)

Ranboos POV-

I had woken up to my blaring alarm clock. I went to slam my hand on the off button but instead i slam my hand on the corner of my nightstand. 

"OW!" I yelled shooting up.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?! ARE YOU OKAY?" My mother says slamming my door open.

"yeah, i just hit my hand." I said as i rubbed my palm. and turned off my alarm clock. she sighed.

"well, get ready!" She said,cheerfully. "First day at school!"

 Right. First day. i wasn't too excited but i  wasn't not excited either.

"Alright.." i grumble. My mother smiled at me before shutting my door and going downstairs to the kitchen.  I grabbed my clothes, headed to the bathroom and changed. I decided to wear a black tee-shirt, a half black half white zip-up sweater and black ripped jeans. i grabbed some of the bracelets i got from a festival a couple years before and slid them on my wrists. i grabbed some socks from my dresser drawer and head downstairs. As i sit down on a chair in the kitchen putting my socks on, i notice that my father isn't here.

"Where's Dad?" I ask my mother as she pours herself some coffee.

"He drove to work already,Hon." my Mother replies sitting on the chair across from mine.

"I thought he was going to drive me to school."

"Dammit! I forgot to remind him!" My mother said face palming her forehead. 

"And yourself." i laugh a little.

" yeah.." She laughs "Sorry,hon." 

"It's okay. I can learn the area a bit better if I walk, anyway." I said as I put my stuff in my dark blue backpack.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." i reply.

I get up and put my shoes on.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" She asked as I reached out for the doorknob.

"No I don't wanna be late."

"Oh, Okay then."

"Bye mom!"

"Bye hon have a nice day."

"I'll try." I said,closing the front door. and with that I began to walk to school. It was a nice day out. I pull out my phone put 'Fallen down' on,Put in my headphones. I hummed along to the tune. I opened up the Google maps just in case I got lost. That was the last thing I needed.


Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the school doors. I felt my stomach twist with nervousness. It was a lot  bigger than I thought It was. I took a deep breath before I pushed open the doors. The halls were filled with students. 

as i walked down the hallways trying to blend in i could instantly tell who the people in charge were. There was a boy with a mask,Blondish-Brownish hair, Green eyes, and a little bit of freckles. He was wearing a green sweater which was not zipped up and under he had a white tee-shirt. he also had black jeans and black boots. to his left there was another boy a little smaller than him. he had brown hair and wore goggles on top of his eyes so i couldn't see what eye color he had. He had a lollipop in his hand.He wore a dark blue sweater with a red rectangle on its side. in the rectangle there was numbers. '404' it said. he also wore light blue jean shorts and blue sneakers. I guess he has a thing for blue? then to his right there was another boy. he had jet black hair and brown eyes. he had piercings too. he had a band aid on his nose and a white bandana around his head. he wore a white tee-shirt with a fire symbol and the same jeans as the boy with the green sweater. he had orange sneakers.

(Here's a picture for you my pretty little gremlins)


I took a mental note to stay away from these three

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I took a mental note to stay away from these three. Two other boys ran past me with a teacher far behind them.

"KARL AND QUACKITY, YOU TWO GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!!" He yelled. he wore glasses, had light brown hair and greenish-greyish eyes. he was wearing a white buttoned up tee-shirt and a red tie, he also had light brown jeans and a clipboard in his hand. he had no shoes for some reason. i then realised the two boys who had ran passed me a each shoe in one of their hands. One of the boys wore a beanie and a blue hoodie with white stripes down each arm. he wore black pants and for some reason was speaking another language while laughing.  the boy beside him had chestnut brown hair, brown hair and a very colorful hoodie. his shoes were very colorful too. he had eleven different watches on his arms. He was laughing hysterically.

"No way Mr.Halo!" The boy with the beanie said, now speaking english.

"Don't make me give you detention!" Mr.Halo yelled still running after the two boys. I laughed as i passed them. Just then the bell rang and the students cleared the hallway,going to the places they needed to be. i still needed to find the office so i could figure out where i was supposed to be.



"Hey!" i heard a voice say from behind me. i turned around almost instantly. He was short and had brown hair, Dark brown eyes, and a little bit of freckles spread across his face. he was wearing a green sweater with a bee pin on the right of him. he had light blue jeans and green sneakers.

"Are you new?" He asked leaned against a locker.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck.

"A little." he shrugged.

I chuckled a little.

"So what's your name 'new guy'?"

"uh, Mark. but id prefer if you call me Ranboo." I mumbled.

He nodded. 

"Cool! im Toby but you can call me Tubbo. that's what everyone calls me."

"Cool. It's nice to meet you,Tubbo." i said a little nervously.

"you're not much of a talker are you?"

I shook my head.

"Thats okay." Tubbo said, smiling. "want me to show you around a little bit?"

i nodded slightly.

"Great! we can get to know each other!" he said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me along. i felt my face heat up a little when he grabbed my hand. I suddenly felt a different type of nervousness in my stomach. Almost as if they were butterflies. like the ones you hear in books and movies. But then again i had only just met Tubbo. Someone cant just like another person that quickly....Right?

1210 words.


Ranboo x Tubbo (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now