🏳️‍🌈CHAPTER 16🏳️‍🌈

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Hey gremlins. Mum/Dad IS BACK WITH ANOTHER CHAPTERRRR!! Currently listening to a Tubbo playlist. BrEaK bAcKs I'm ThE cHIrOpRaCtOr. XD Anyway. I got some ideas from my trio. We are now known a THE CRYING TRIO. Don't ask. Anyway. ANGST in here. Also i think I'll get some Eret in here. UvU

(-Time skip to 3 months later. IT's now december.-)

 Ranboo's POV-

Even though me and Tubbo were wearing our jackets, gloves,hats and boots we were FREEZING. Like, Jesus. It was cold out. But, then again, it was colder yesterday. 

"Brrrrr! It's Freezing out here!" Tubbo shiverd.

"Yeah..Is it always this cold here?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said, trying to warm himself up. We were soon joined by Tommy who had a red sweater and ripped jeans.

"INT IT FREEZING?!" Tubbo yelled.

"Very. But honestly i don't care!" He said, shivering a little. Tommy was just stupid like that.

"Toms you REALLY need a haircut." I said looking at how long his hair had gotten.

"Nooo, I like his long hair!" Tubbo whined.

"How come when my hair get long ,you tell me i need to cut it,but, when i tell Tommy he needs a haircut you defend him?" I asked. Tommy must be Tubbo's favorite. They keep leaving me out all the time. And all Tubbo will say is 'Sorry' or 'i forgot' or even better 'i promise we'll include you next time!' And he never does. It's been like this since october. I've been feeling seriously left out.

"Well that's different. you just look stupid with long hair." Tubbo said slowing down and walking with Tommy. Ouch..

"I don't look that stupid..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, you do." 

I kinda felt a little attacked. Tommy is literally stealing Tubbo away from me. This is why i didn't trust him. Plus, i saw him talking with Dream last week when Tubbo got the flu. Him and Dream are probably still friends and Dreams probably still mad from september when i won that fight. maybe getting Tubbo to turn on me was his little revenge plan. Well, i'm a little too smart for that. Everyone else still thinks that Tommy's good, except for Drista and Fundy. At least if something were to happen i'd have them on my side. We reached the front of the school and i opened the front doors for the two of them. Tubbo normally said 'Thanks' or something but him and Tommy were too busy talking they didn't even acknowledge. i scoffed. We all stopped at our lockers and put our stuff away. We knew what we had first. we had memorised our schedules so that we knew what classes we had together and what class we didn't. We all had math with Mr.Halo first. Tommy and Tubbo walked side by side once again, leaving me to walk behind them. I wanted to say something but fought the urge. Tommy looked back at me while i was looking at the ground.

"Ranboo, you can come walk beside us y'know." He said, as he stopped walking. I was about to say something when we realized Tubbo just kept walking.

"Tommy c'mon!" Tubbo said walking into the classroom.

"C'mon, man." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me. i pulled my arm away from his grip and walked into the classroom without him. I sat in the middle for the first time in basically forever.  We got out our books and took notes like always. I felt my phone buzz.

Tom :

U good? 

Why did he text me? he could literally just ask me. i ignored the fact that he texted me and just payed attention to the teacher. I was a little bored of math. i mean i like it but its kinda boring. i like Science, Drama, Art and History. those subjects are the most fun for me. i was looking at the clock. a minute didn't even pass yet. this day was just gonna drag on.


about what felt like FOREVER math class was finally over. Mr.Halo, being the fun teacher he is, didn't assign us any homework. He knew it was difficult and never wants us to be overwhelmed with the work. We gathered our stuff and left the class. I had Drama with Eret next. Eret was a fun teacher. 

"RANBOOOOOOOOOOO!!" A familiar voice yelled. Karl. Yup. that's Karl alright. i turned around to be hug tackled by them. Karl loved to hug their friends. 

"Hey, Karl." I sat patting their head.

"Wanna walk to class?" They asked letting go. I looked over to Tubbo who seemed to be occupied with Tommy.

"Sure." I said, as Karl started walking.

Tubbo's POV-

Me and Tommy had walked out of the class room and started talking about god knows what.

"Y'know Ranboos acting a bit weird." Tommy said, looking concerned.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't know he's just...Grumpy or something.."

"RANBOOOOOOOOOOO!!" i heard Karl yell. I turned around and saw karl hug Ranboo. I felt a little angered. I thought i was the only one who hug attacked Ranboo.

"Tubbs you good?" Tommy asked.

"Im fine.." I said looking back at him.

"Oh, god you don't hate me,too now do you?" He asked a little bit whiny.

"Why would i hate you? We literally just became friends again."

"I know,I know but still..." He mumbled.

I then saw that Ranboo was walking to class with Karl. What the hell!? Why doesn't he just walk with me and Tommy? No, No, No. It's fine. Karl is his friend. He's allowed to walk with his friends. I shouldn't be angry that he's walking with his other friend. But i do feel a little..Jealous i guess. He always walks with us. Did i do something wrong? If Tommy's right about Ranboo acting weird than maybe the reason he's mad is cause either of us did something wrong. But what did i do?

TUBBO YOU DUMB BITCH YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! *Ahem* Sorry Gremlins. anyway, I hope you liked the chapter. I know it's short but i have a lot to do. I start school REAL soon, so im rushing these. Anyway, Eat some healthy food, Get a glass of water or milk and have a nice day. also just your daily reminder that y'all are loved and that y'all are important! So take care of yourselves! Ily all. Bye,Bye.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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