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"I had so much fun with you guys today," Yunho exclaimed to the two models.

"Yeah, us too. It's a shame tomorrow we have a shoot," the youngest pouted.

"We could always just visit you guys on set... if that's not a problem with you, of course." Mingi suggested hesitantly.

"Oh my gosh, that would be perfect!" Wooyoung jumped up and down out of excitement.

"I'll send you guys the location in the morning," Yeosang said while calming down his best friend.

"Yeah, of course, but what time is it?" Yunho asked the now calm boys in front of him.

"3pm, so you'll have time to get ready."

"Okay, see you guys then!"

• time skip •

Yunho and Mingi were already out the door, on their way to the studio where Wooyoung and Yeosang would be shooting at.

Once they arrived, they spotted the two at the hair and makeup section, sitting patiently while the artists do their work. Clearing their throats, the models looked up from their phones, and enthusiastically waved at the two, since they couldn't do much else.

"Uh, Elsa, could you give me a moment. I wanna say hi to my friends over there," Wooyoung pointed to the two giants, waiting for a nod, before sprinting off into their embrace. Breaking the hug, he exclaimed, "I'm glad you guys came! I actually wanted to ask you guys for a favor."

Curious, the boys both spoke at the same time. "What?"

"Well, you see, we're short on models right now, since they called in sick. It being winter and all, that's pretty normal, so would you like to take their places? You guys have the look and everything, I'm sure they're gonna love you."

Without second thought, both nodded their heads excitedly. Once that was settled, the two were sat at the makeup stool, and had makeup artists paint on their masterpieces.

When all boys were ready, they quickly went over to the set, to get the pictures done.

"Hi Paul, Alec," Wooyoung spoke to their manager and the photographer. "I found you some models to replace the ones who couldn't come."

"Really? That's great, I was afraid I'd have to postpone the shoot. Let's see them then," the three then headed over to Yunho and Mingi.

After a few questions, they eased up to the new models pretty quickly. "Everyone ready?" The photographer yelled, making sure everyone had their poses down. Picture after picture was taken, and Yunho and Mingi acted as professionals very quickly.

"Thank you guys for coming in today. May I have your numbers, I would like to work with you boys again." The boys all exchanged their numbers before they left the premises.

"That was fun," Mingi sighed, as he slung his arm around Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho sighed, and placed his head on Mingi's shoulder, as he replied, "it really was."


a/n: last update of the day; any thoughts?

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