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Wooyoung groggily woke up, turning around to wrap his arm around San's waist, to find it empty and cold. Seems like San has been gone for a while. Wooyoung pouted, "Sannie~" he called out, tiredness laced over his voice.

Hearing that voice, San made his way to the room in an instant. "Youngie?" San popped his head into the room, making Wooyoung smile widely, before the older waddled over.

"Why were you up so early?" Wooyoung groaned, as he sat up, looking for his discarded shirt. He found it by the foot of the bed, and wore the white shirt, as San was watching his boyfriend rub his eyes tiredly, to try and get a better look at his face. "Wait- You already did it?! I wanted to watch you!" Wooyoung screeched as he noticed that the white streak that was once adorning a side of San's hair was now replaced by black locks, matching the rest of his hair. Wooyoung sighed, and started twirling the strands in his hand, "you look stunning baby~"

"Heh, thank you, bub." San said quickly, before he climbed off the bed. "Breakfast is done, come on!"

San ran out of the room quickly, while Wooyoung screamed back at his retreating figure. "I'll come in a bit!" He yawned again, before he opened his phone, and checked his notifications. He opened his messages with Yeosang first.


yesterday at 7:08pm

how is your date~

jimin wannabe😐
it's going goodd, hbuu?

it's going well too:))

yesterday at 9:09pm

jimin wannabe😐
is jongho still there?

yep, says he wants to
stay over..

jimin wannabe😐
shit, guess imma stay over at
sans then
cover for me pls

will do! :)

today at 8:35am

woo check the news
idk what happened but
you and san are all over it

jimin wannabe😐
what the fuck?!
sent at 10:28am

k_dispatch                                                                ...


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k_dispatch Jung Wooyoung seen out with this mystery man for the first time. They were out at a mall all of yesterday. They seemed to be very touchy and teasing towards one another. Could there be more?!

View 335,698 comments

woostary._ oh my fuck this is like the third time, let the man go out with his friends in peace😫

ddplation_ first that girl, then his best friend yeosang and now him?! cant you leave him alone?!

_chachacha_ awww they look cuteee🥺

"Shit," Wooyoung cursed. He didn't want San seeing these, but he knew he'd see them eventually, so he was going to have to ruin their beautiful breakfast by bringing this up. "FUCK," he screamed loudly, as he instantly fell back into the covers again.

"Is there anything wrong, baby?" San called from the kitchen.

"No, nothing's wrong. I'll be out there in a minute!" San's voice reminded him he needed to get up, so with very little motivation, he did.

"Okay! Don't be late, the food is still hot." Wooyoung could practically hear the smile on his voice.

"Well seems like it can't last for long..." He sighed, as he went to the bathroom and got himself ready for the day.


a/n: wooyo seems to sigh a lot in these chaps lmao, but anyways remember the hair colors are diff bc they didn't actually have these colors at the same time😀 so yeah just imagine it like that thanks🙃💗

also i don't really remember the names i had for yeosang and wooyoung's private chat so i changed them, so yeah, hope u don't mind lol

anyways hows this chap?? :))

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