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Walking hand in hand, the couple were meant to fight off the cold, as the wind shoved their bodies back while they fought to move forward. Eventually though, it calmed down slightly, and the grip San had on Wooyoung's hand loosened. They were now walking on a empty side walk, nearing a tree filled passageway, but since it was night, and they were quite tired, they skipped out on the adventure of it, and trudged along forwards.

San started skipping alongside his boyfriend, happy to be alone with the beautiful moonlight bathing on their skin. It was a regular walk, besides the fact that two grown men were walking around in silly pajamas and long puffy jackets in the middle of the night. The more they walked, the sooner they discovered this bridge that led to a beautiful fountain. San was instantly drawn towards it, "Woo, let's go there, please!" He put on his best pouty face that quickly won over Wooyoung's heart.

"Sure, anything for you, Sannie~" Before he could poke the dimple popping on San's cheeks, he felt the coldness brush against his hand, as San let go and started running ahead of him.

"Whoever reaches there first gets to be carried bridal style all the way home!"

Wooyoung laughed at his antics, before realizing he was losing the game. "Hey! Wait up, that's not fair!" He only heard San's cute devilish laugh as he ran ahead. "Oh, you have another thing coming for ya..." Wooyoung whispered to himself challengingly, as he sprinted behind him at full speed, reaching him a little later, "gotcha!" He got ahold of San's waist, and spun him around, hearing the endearing sound of San's laugh as they both reached the bridge.

Wooyoung then caged San between his front and the railing of the wooden bridge, as he started planting kisses on San's neck, making him squirm from in front of him. "W-woo, stop!" He said in between giggles, before he hissed in albeit pleasure when Wooyoung sucked a little harder on a specific part, before he went a tad higher to his sweet spot, which resulted in San letting out a soft whine. That's when Wooyoung stopped, and turned San to look back at him.

San looked at the mixed haired boy, with blood red lips  — due to the sucking — and an adoring smile that even his eyes were smiling back at San. He instantly returned it with his own dimpled smile, and as Wooyoung dipped down to catch San's lips in a kiss, San reciprocated his actions. Right until he was close enough, that's when San turned his face, and Wooyoung ended up kissing San's cheekbone instead.

"Hm, Sannie~ You're lips feel hard today," Wooyoung whined, eyes still closed and unaware. He heard San laugh, but not where he was meant to, so he opened his eyes, and noticed it wasn't San's lips he was kissing, and started to pout childishly, crossing his arms over his chest, walking away from him.

San scoffed surprised, "no, Youngie, come back~" He followed after his boyfriend, closer to the fountain.

Once close enough, San noticed Wooyoung's smirk, and looked at him confused. "Whoever reaches here first gets carried home, right Sannie?~"

San lost to his own game, "you traitor!" Now San was sulky, and to make up for it, Wooyoung grabbed onto his hand, and started planting kisses all over his face, while murmuring a spew of words to his boyfriend, making him giggle. Soon, San separated from Wooyoung to present his idea, "Woo! You know how they say you need to throw a penny in the fountain and it'll grant your wish?" His boyfriend nodded, "well I have two coins here," he said with a wide smile.

Wooyoung took one from his hand, and smiled back, both taking their positions in front of the fountain, both making their wish and throwing the coin. San even after the coin toss was continuously repeating his dream in his head. I hope you feel the same, I hope you feel the same, I hope you feel the same.

When San took a little too long to move from in front of the fountain, Wooyoung chuckled and shoved his side lightly. "What's taking you so long?" He laughed, but it soon died down as he saw the serious face on his boyfriend's face. "Baby?"

"I-I... We have to go..." San started hurrying his way back to the bridge that lead them here.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, Cinderella, what's wrong??" Wooyoung caught up to him pretty well. It quite actually shocked San how quick Wooyoung was at running since he so easily caught up to him both times! "Baby, you know you can tell me..." They both stopped by the middle of the bridge, where San was looking all around the scenery around them, before leaning against the railing again.

"I don't know if it's time yet..." He murmured, making Wooyoung stroll next to him.

"Oh... Well, uh, take your time, but if it's bothering you, I suggest you speak now because it'll bother you even more the longer you keep it in." Wooyoung shrugged, also not facing San, instead looking up at the sky.

"Wooyoung, I-" Wooyoung turned his head back towards San's, and San melted at the look Wooyoung was giving him; one full of attention, care, and love.

"You...?" He moved his body closer to San's, hoping the warmth would help ease his heart a little.

"I- I love you..." San said, as he closed his eyes and looked down. He peaked one eye open and caught glimpse of Wooyoung's shock, and quickly added to it, "a-and I know, it's a little early in our relationship, and you don't have to say it back, it just feels better now that it's out-"

"I love you too, Sannie." Well, that caught him off real good.

"Huh?" He said shocked, as he couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, I'm shocked too at how quickly I realized it. I was questioning that during our walk, but I guess you made it easy to realize. You know, I heard a saying once, it said: «a good thing takes time, but a really great thing happens in a blink of an eye» I think you're my really great thing, Sannie." Ah, that endearing smile again, it brought tears to San's eyes.


"Oh, no. Don't cry, Sannie," he engulfed the other in a much needed hug, and they soon walked home together, making sure to give each other lots of kisses and love, since tonight they slept in each other's arms knowing that the other loved them.


a/n: thank you for 48k readssss!!! i'm so grateful for all of you 😭❤️ i can't thank you enough for this you all are amazing i love you!!

i really hope u enjoy this chapter! see you next time <33


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