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Later on that day, the group chat continued chatting, and the boys all decided to make it a pajama party, and everybody was meant to wear their stupidest, comfiest, or fanciest pair. San obviously loved that and picked out one of his favorite pair based on how comfortable it is. He also dressed over it a long, puffy winter coat, as it was getting colder in Seoul.

Once the classes were over for the day, San had already made his way over to Seonghwa's place, and texted his boyfriend just before knocking on the door. The second his hand touched the wood the first time, his hand was faced with air the second as he was dragged into the entrance by a force known as Seonghwa.

"Oh my gosh, I'm glad it's you! I haven't finished the fort, and putting out the snacks, or even the movie options, and-" The older started rambling the second San stepped foot into the apartment.

"Woah, woah, slow down, Hwa. I'll help you, it's fine. I promise the house looks fine, and about the fort, I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind building it with you.." San started, removing his winter jacket, and hanging it by the door. He heard an airy laugh leave the older's mouth as he did this, so he looked at him confused.

"That's one way to woo your man..." Seonghwa said, pointing at the light blue pajama set San had on.

"Ha ha ha, you never know he might like this," San mumbled, hiding his small smile.

"Yeah, he's very much going to be attracted to a grown man wearing a light blue pajama with multicolored cats wearing a sombrero, has a stache, and has a maraca in its paw!" Seonghwa said, dramatically flailing his hands around.

"It's comfy though," He whined, as his cheeks grew warm while he pushed past Seonghwa. "What was I supposed to wear then? A corset and heels?" He then follows that up, and says, "also, says you! The boy wearing a white pj set with pineapples wearing sunglasses," he murmured.

"Shut up, and get to work!" Seonghwa said, insulted that San dared to talk about his pineapple set.

• time skip •

Male after male, all the boys made their way to the eldest house just as he finished up the house. Yunho stood up, and held a glass of apple juice, raising it in the air.

"Yunho, not the dinning table-" Seonghwa was cut off by Mingi's loud voice.

"Hear ye, hear ye. The love of my life has come to make a toast," Mingi winked after his cheesy act.

Yunho chucked, and whispered, "thank you, Min," before looking back at his 'subjects'. He lifted his hand again, and started to speak up. "We are gathered here tonight to celebrate our first of many sleepovers from now on, and to that I'd like to make a toast!"

Everyone cheered, but Seonghwa winced as he watched the taller walk all over his freshly polished dinning table. After a speech from the taller, the boys joined in the raising of their glasses, except that Mingi too, jumped over the couch, similar to Yunho on the table.

"And there goes my couch..." Seonghwa said, hand palming his forehead, while the boys made loud sounds of agreement.

And so the night began...


a/n: hey! sorry i disappeared on ya again😀 i kinda hate this chap but it's a filler ig? oh and i'm actually gonna have finals next week saur i decided to post a chap rn than to leave you hanging... 😃

also for those of which whom read my other book sin, a chapter is on the way but i doubt it'll be out this week bc again i have to focus on my exams so i'm sorry for the inconvenience :( but i hope you enjoy this update <3

until next time :)


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