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Later that day, Wooyoung walked in sulking and huffing at nothing, amusing his roommate. "What happened now?"

Wooyoung sighed, "I may have been scolded by Hwa hyung. He told me he was a hundred percent sure San likes me, and I'm wasting my time, when all I should do is communicate." Wooyoung said, making fun of Seonghwa's speech by changing his tone a couple times, while his shoulders sagged, and his lips put on a persistent pout. "What am I gonna do now?" Wooyoung whined, shaking his body dramatically.

"Um, I agree with Hwa. You should just tell him how you feel," Yeosang shrugged, going back to the video he was playing on his phone. Wooyoung let out another whine, before falling face first into his bed.

"That's so hard," the younger continued to bother Yeosang with his constant blabbering.

"Stop complaining, Woo, or I will kick you out of the house for the night!" Yeosang's threat shut him up instantly, but he continued to grumble under his breath, as he went to the bathroom to get cleaned and changed.

When walking out, his mood seemed better, but he still shot daggers at Yeosang. "I hate you, you know?"

Yeosang simply looked up from his position on his bed, looking down a second later. "And who told you I cared?"

Wooyoung groaned, "you're so annoying!"

"Thanks," Yeosang said, knowing exactly how his words were affecting the younger. Wooyoung just grumbled again, and stomped his way out of the room. "Hey! Fix your attitude, or you're gonna have to sleep outside tonight!" Yeosang screamed from the bedroom.

"You're not helping!" Wooyoung screamed back, settling himself back on the couch, contemplating on talking to San or not.


a/n: update on both books?? who am i👀👀 howd u like the chap today peeps💀 sorry never saying that again lmao😀^

anyways thoughts? <3

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