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A little over an hour later, all the boys were ready, and made their way to the location Yunho sent on the group. Hongjoong was sat there with Wooyoung, Jongho and Yeosang, boba in hand.

"Where do you think they are?" The oldest of the bunch asked, nervously toying with the cup in his hand.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon, hyung. I'm sure not all of them ditched us." Yeosang asked.

"What if that was their plan?" Wooyoung gasped, "they are best friends, after all."

"Hyung, shut up. You know that's not true." Jongho rolled his eyes at Wooyoung's words.

Wooyoung pouted, "you guys are no fun."

Just as that was said, San made his way over to the friends. Shyly stood there, he said a quick 'hi' before looking around for his friends, not seeing any of them.

Noticing this, Wooyoung answered before he can ask. "Not here, they're running a little late." San's lips turned into an 'O' shape, before he was tackled into a hug by the short man he grew to love dearly.

"Joongie!" San exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Hongjoong's tiny frame. Hongjoong snuggled more into the younger, making San laugh out loud at that. "Ready to beat them today?" He felt the older nod his head from his place, being buried in his chest.

Unbeknownst the couple, another person was seething at the sight, but chose to look away before he made it too obvious. Yeosang was busy talking to his boyfriend, but he didn't need eyes to know Wooyoung was mad. He was his friend for years, he simply knew when the younger was mad, so while he was talking to Jongho, he put a comforting hand atop Wooyoung's, knowing it would calm him down.

Wooyoung felt that, looking down at the hand on his, and smiled to himself as he saw his best friend, although not looking at him, still chose to help him. He was immensely grateful for Yeosang, and quickly intertwined their fingers together under the table.

Soon after that, Seonghwa made an appearance, when San and Hongjoong had settled down, and started talking to themselves. Everyone's eyes turned up when he approached them, and eyed his new hair.

"It was either this or red, but Mingi is red, so I didn't wanna match with a doofus." Seonghwa said, as he simply sat across from Wooyoung.

"You look great hyung, but next time, I wanna see you in red." Wooyoung winked at the older, confusing him, but he didn't think much of it.

"Thanks Woo, and I'll think about it. I kinda wanna do it too."

"Great! But seriously the hair suits you well." This time he said it sincerely, making Seonghwa smile widely, and thank him again.

San noticed this, and felt a tang of pain in his chest, but Hongjoong's rambling didn't give him a chance to look too into it.

"Where's Yunho and Mingi?" Yeosang asked.

"They must be coming together, right?" Jongho asked this now.

Seonghwa decided to reply, "yeah, they're together. They might be running a little late though, they're doing... stuff."

"Who's doing stuff?" Yunho asked as he was tightly holding onto a panting Mingi's hand. They both looked like they just came out of a marathon, breathing heavily, hair disheveled, clothes crumpled.

"You could've fixed yourself after getting out the house, you know." Seonghwa grumbled under his breath.

"We did, we just went for a round 3 in the car," Mingi winked, as he sat down on one of the chairs next to the oldest. As Yunho was gonna do the same, and sit next to Mingi, Mingi tugged on his wrist, and guided him to sit on his lap. Yunho did as motioned to do, but not without his cheeks and ears flushing red. Mingi noticed that, and started sucking on his earlobe, making Yunho squirm.

He playfully Mingi on his chest, "horny motherfucker. We already did it three times coming here." Mingi whined, but the disgusted, and some unbothered, faces of their friends stopped him. After sitting for a while, they all decided to go play bowling now.


a/n: hiii! how was this update?? hope you like it~ lyyy🥰✋

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