100k special

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several months later...

"Baby! Watch out, Haneul is chasing behind you!" Wooyoung heard the call his boyfriend as he was jogging away. Wooyoung and San were on their way to a park, so Wooyoung wanted to take advantage to that and jog a little while he did so. He left the little animals in San's security, but was now hearing that there was a secret attack??

Their newest addition to the family, Haneul, the pupper Wooyoung fell in love with, was running after him while he attempted going faster. San laughed heartily, while he held onto Byeol's paws, and whispered to her about their idiots.

Coming to a halt, Wooyoung stood, hands on his knees, as he saw the energetic puppy approach him. When Haneul was near, he raised to only two feet, and started licking Wooyoung's face, as the male was leaned forward, a perfect opportunity for the dog. Instead, Wooyoung grabbed the dog, and carried it in his hands, cradling it while it continued to give him loving kisses.

Soon, San caught up, and spotted the two seated at a bench, not focusing on the world but each other. Sitting next to him, Wooyoung shifted his face to San's, a beaming smile to him, before he pecked his lips. San laughed, and jokingly wiped the kiss. "Ew, gross. You're all sweaty, Wooyoung," putting on his best disgusted face, San felt bad when he saw Wooyoung pout.

"Fine then, no kisses for the rest of the day, and you're not allowed entry to the bathroom when I shower anymore." Wooyoung said sternly, looking back to the playful dog in his hold, and scratching his tummy with a smile.

"What?! You can't do that! You can't take away my shower privileges because of a joke!"

"Didn't seem like a joke to me," Wooyoung huffed.

"Uh- Is this seat taken?" The boys raised their head to a beautiful looking man with dark brown hair, and sparkling brown eyes. There seemed to be familiarity behind those eyes, regardless they nodded yes, letting the man take a seat. "The weather sure is nice, right Young-ah?"

"Uh, yeah- Wait, how do you know my name?" The dark haired male laughed deeply.

"We met once, and unlike you, I remember you two..." The mysterious male said with chuckle as he crossed his arms and legs together, putting on his shades.

"You do seem familiar, though..."

"Do I, Sannie?" The male said, shocking both males again.

"How do you know us?" Wooyoung asked again.

"You guys came to a place I work at, and I was awkward at first, but I told you a secret, which isn't something I do often. Therefore, I remember you two, simple, right?" This made both males rake their mind a little bit.

"Ah! You must be that taco guy from the mall! How's Georgina?" San said excitedly.

He simply laughed again, "no, I'm not. I don't know a Georgina..." San looked puzzled at the man wearing black sunglasses, making it even harder to guess. "Let me make it easier for you," he cleared his throat, ready to impersonate himself a year ago. "I wish my Jaehyun hyung would feel the same..." He said with a pout, and that's when it clicked to both of them.

"Oh my gosh! Jaemin?? It's been so long, I'm so sorry!" Wooyoung was first to apologize.

"No worries, Woo. I didn't expect to remember me, it happened a year ago."

"Yet you remember us..." San whispered back.

"Because I remember every encounter I open up to people, and you two were the first strangers I spoke about Jaehyun hyung too," he shrugged.

"Speaking of which, what happened between you two?" Jaemin smiled a bright grin at the two boys.

"I'm with Jeno now, you guys said maybe he was the one, right? Well, when I stopped comparing everyone to Jaehyun hyung, I started to really see a future with Jeno, and I'm so glad I did that cause Jaehyun moved back to America for the year. I heard he's coming back soon, but if I weren't over him, I would've buried myself in pity because I never came clean about my feelings to him, you know?"

"I'm glad to hear that, Minnie! You should still tell Jaehyun about your feelings, just for closure, you know?" San recommended.

"Already one step ahead of you! Before getting with Jeno, I thanked Jaehyun hyung for setting me up with him, and confessed there. He felt bad that he never knew and was pushing me away by setting me up with Jeno, but I assured him everything was alright, and now I was happy with Jeno. Luckily, we're still close, and talk every now and then. He promised me a coffee when he's back in Seoul," Jaemin's smile was as bright as the sun hitting them all.

That smile didn't fade as he heard a familiar voice call from behind them, "babe!" Instead, he turned around with his still bright smile, and called him over with his hand.

"Guys! This is Jeno, Jeno this is Wooyoung and San." The three boys exchanged greetings.

"It's nice to meet you," Jeno said, looking back at his boyfriend questionably.

"They were the ones whom help me realize giving you a chance wasn't a bad choice," Jaemin said cheekily.

Jeno elbowed Jaemin's rib playfully, making the said male laugh, while Jeno tried to keep a straight face. but his soft side for Jaemin was already popping, as a small smile cracked.

San cooed at them, since they seemed to really enjoy each other's presence, while Wooyoung looked at San lovingly as well. After each had their moment, the boys all sat and talked, watching their pets mingle with each other, as Jeno had arrived with a dog as well. Haneul made friends with that dog pretty quickly, while Byeol stayed in San's arms the whole time.

The boys grew closer, and made new inside jokes with each other, becoming comfortable pretty quickly. They laughed before it was time for Jaemin and Jeno to leave. "It was nice talking with you guys again, but it's time to leave. We're meant to go meet Jeno's parents tonight, but don't forget the double date next week, yeah?"

Both males nodded and waved while the other pair left with her dog. Wooyoung looked down between his legs to see his pupper looking at him with wide eyes, so he lifted and planted him on his lap, petting its head before turning to San. "Wanna go home, and watch a movie?"

"Hmm, yeah!" He did the theatrics of pretending to think with a finger on his chin before nodding a yes.

"Alright then, pick up the princess, and let's go!" Picking up their stuff, they and their pets made their way back home; Wooyoung and San's hands intertwined, ready to get cozy in bed together.


a/n: hey! ik this is kinda awful and no one asked for it, and tbh i've just been in a rut these days, like writing wise, so that's why it wasn't written any better i'm sorry but regardless

i wanted to write this in honor of 100k reads!!! that is wayyyy too much for a shitty book like this, and this chap in itself is proof of that, but either way u guys seem to like it and i cant help but get excited over that!! i hope to get out of this author's block soon so i can start posting again and maybe have smth new for u guys:))

also i was gonna make the ending on jaemin's story vague and let u decide but i had no other ideas other than woo and san got a new dog and then bringing back jaemin's story😭🤡 again i'm sorry this sucked, i'll try harder next time but i still hope u like it:/

and for the last time, um bye bye~!


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