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Being scared of his feelings, he decided he had three options. He could either talk to Hwa about it, or maybe he could talk to Yunho or Yeosang about it. Or he could talk to San finally. Or talk on the group as a way to stall from texting San just yet.

Evaluating his options, he decided to pick the last, being too scared to talk to San alone again. He chose not choosing to talk to anyone since Hwa scolded him, he's mad at Yeosang, and talking to Yunho seemed like a mistake ready to brew itself. So, the group chat was the easiest way.

Taking out his phone, he fumbled with it for a moment, before finding the group chat, already typing up his suggestion.

8 makes one team🏳️‍🌈

elmo hybrid💃
anyone down to do smth
i'm bored outta my mind😐

giant goof🌀
i'm at yunho's
u can come but i
don't think u'd wanna...

elmo hybrid💃
yeah.. i'll pass

smol leader🎼
in the studio with jjong

savage introvert🥶

elmo hybrid💃
yeosang you're upstairs
watching a kdrama...

savage introvert🥶
that means im busy
besides i doubt u wanna
hang out w/ me rn💀

elmo hybrid💃
anyone else?

killer tongue🌶
san has nothing...

elmo hybrid💃
wouldn't he have spoken
for himself🤨
anyways what're u doing?

killer tongue🌶
i have a project that
equals 40% of this subject

elmo hybrid💃
doesnt that mean san
has that too?

killer tongue🌶
he took dance instead of
lucky bastard😤

shiber's daddy🌝
i'm right here yknow-
anyways yeah i'm free

elmo hybrid💃
where do u wanna go?

shiber's daddy🌝
uhm there is this aesthetic
cat café
there are actual cats in the
place, and u can play with them
it's so cute🥺

elmo hybrid💃
more of a dog person
but yeah idm
send me the location
and meet there at 4

shiber's daddy🌝

elmo hybrid💃
see u there then💞
seen at 2:54pm

To say Wooyoung was panicking was an understatement. He would be going out with his crush alone; meaning he'd have to act normal. Now, when was he ever successful at that?!

"Guess I better get ready now," he told himself, after he spent half an hour trying to calm his raging brain.


a/n: i- also thank you for 6k readsss!!!! i love you all so so sooo muchhh!! thank u again! i hope u guys have an amazing dayyy~ <33


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