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After the boys got the destination, they simply waited until it was time to leave. Wooyoung and San spent the time feeding each other, before San started worrying about what to wear. "Baby, you look good in anything. Hell, I bet you look good in nothing too, darling, so stop worrying!"

Wooyoung's words made San blush furiously, as he smacked Wooyoung arm, "shut up."

Wooyoung laughed, "what? It's true!"

San rolled his eyes, and finally chose an outfit, "is this cute enough?" Wooyoung looked the outfit up and down, and nodded, opening his mouth to speak before San cut him off. "And don't say something cheesy like the one wearing it is cute," San said seriously.

"Ha, I wasn't, but again, it's not wrong~" Wooyoung teased.

"Okay, thanks. Now, get out."

Wooyoung looked offended, "is this all I am to you?? Your personal designer?"

"Yes, Wooyoung. I don't love you, I'm only dating you so you can pick out my clothes, yes." San said sarcastically, and Wooyoung replied back by mocking him, while walking out the door. San laughed to himself, and started to get ready, as well as accessorizing his clothes with matching jewelry, and a tad of makeup to perfect his skin, before walking into the living room, to see Wooyoung wearing the outfit he chose for him.

"Love, it's too tight~" Wooyoung was already whining, as the white turtleneck was wrapping around his body tightly. The grey jeans seemed to fit, as they were the pair Wooyoung left behind the last time he was here, so that wasn't a problem.

"Well, I think you look heavenly." Wooyoung was startled as the voice was a lot closer than he thought it would be.

He turned to face his boyfriend, slight pout turning into a beaming smile the second their eyes met. "Could say the same about you, my dashing boy."

San giggled, and went over to help Wooyoung with the shirt, adjusting it slightly, before asking if he wanted a different shirt, Wooyoung saying yes obviously, as breathing was rather difficult, and since laser tag required running and he'd be sweating an ocean in this. San laughed and went to grab him and oversized graphic tee, still white but it had hues of blue, tan, and slight contrasting colors as it had the view of a horizon on it.

"This will do," San said, as he walked into the room again, only to find Wooyoung stood there shirtless, with messy hair. San stood by the door, frozen making Wooyoung chuckle, as he walked up to him himself.

Before turning, he whispered, "you can play with this later." Then, he went and finished up his outfit, fixed his hair, and sprayed some cologne, all while San was still stunned at the door. "Come on, babe, the guys are waiting," he gave him an innocent smile, as he gave him his hand to hold. "Let's go?" San could only nod, as Wooyoung walked them out the door and to the car.

• time skip •

All the boys met up, each ready and excited to play the game that they instantly went over to the center, and waited in line. It wasn't too busy, so they were there in no time. The person at the counter told them the rules, and now it was time to pick teams.

The friends decided to not place all the couples in teams, or any former friends, instead the teams looked a little like this.

Team 1: Jongho, San, Hongjoong, Yunho.

Team 2: Yeosang, Wooyoung, Seonghwa, Mingi.

Just like that, they were all geared up and ready for battle.... a little dramatic, but it does the job.


a/n: any thoughts? :)

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