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mountain.san ...


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mountain.san home sweet home~

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yunhoesbitch_ WHY ARE THEY ALL HOT??


dovey.woo looking good~
>> mountain.san ☺️💞

While Mingi and San were hanging out today, Yunho decided to surprise his oldest friend. He always thought Seonghwa was a sight worth watching, making him perfect for modeling.

"Where are we going, Yunho?" The older whined.

"Keep your eyes closed, hyung. We're almost there." As he said that, Seonghwa felt the moving car halt.

"Another red light?" He asked boredly as this would be the fifth one.

"Nope, we're here," Yunho exclaimed. "Uh-uh-uh, not so fast hyung. Keep your eyes shut just a little longer." Seonghwa grumbled, but complied.

There were two decisions, either Yunho takes the stairs with a blind Seonghwa, or he takes the elevator and unblinds Seonghwa. As a person who loves risks, he wasn't elated when he was forced to pick the latter; Seonghwa had to look his best.

"Open up hyung," Yunho said smiling brightly.

Opening them, Seonghwa had a smile plastered on his face, but it soon died down. "An elevator?" He questioned confusedly.

"No, you dumbass. I'm allowing you to see until we reach the floor," Yunho rolled his eyes just as the elevator door opened.

Both going up, Seonghwa gasped as he saw where they were. "Yunho, what is this?" He asked, as he held on to the taller's hand.

Yunho didn't reply, as he walked up to a staff. "Models are ready," he cheered. The man looked over at Seonghwa, before giving Yunho a thumbs up saying he chose well. Smiling brightly, he turned back to Seonghwa. "You ready?"

"Yunho, I can't. I'm not put up for this," the eldest mumbled.

"Hwa, you are. Everyone's gonna love you," the younger assured.

"Everyone go get ready, we're starting soon." They heard the photographer yell, before they scurried off to get their makeup done.

"Looking good, Hwa~" the taller complimented the older. "I knew you'd be perfect for this."

Seonghwa looked down, biting back a smile, "thanks Yunho."

"I knew you'd love this, now since you're done, let's get on set?"

"Of course." The two took pictures with each other and other models as well. Seonghwa made friends pretty easily, and everyone enjoyed his presence.

"Another great shoot, guys. See you all next time!" Everyone cheered as they walked out of the studio.

bulliedmarz                                                           ...


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bulliedmarz guess i'm a model now?

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mountain.san WAIT WHAT??
>> yknow_yunhoe your turn's coming😈

yknow_yunhoe YOU KILLED THIS PARK!!
>> fixoff_mings why was i not aware of this🧐

kang.yeotail woahhh pictures came out great!!
>> dovey.woo ikrrr, i'm even more excited to meet you now~
>>> bulliedmarz aw you guys are so sweet thankss


a/n: imagine yunho's hair is blond in the second picture with hwa😃 other than that hope you enjoy~

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