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For the first time since they got together, San and Wooyoung haven't seen each other the days leading up to Friday. The two were busy with their own schedules; San was busy with his school work, and Wooyoung had a couple photoshoots he had to tend to in the last few days. So, they only ever saw each other through posts or facetimes, but that's been hard since their duties have been keeping them busy this week.

"San! Wait up, oh my gosh!" The younger heard Seonghwa yell from behind him.

"What's up?" San asked, as he closed the locker, and started walking away, Seonghwa by his side.

"Nothing, can't I just walk home with you?" Seonghwa said, rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes looking across the hall. San looked at him skeptically, but hummed anyways. "So... how do you feel about Wooyoung and his friends coming over to our sleepover? Do you have any plan on making a move on him there?"

"Hm, maybe a small plan, nothing major," San played along.

"Mhm, okay. What are you going to wear then?"

"What I usually wear? Just because people have been added doesn't mean I have to change my style," San chuckled.

"You're right, I was just curious," Seonghwa laughed with him. That is until they heard the loud sounds of their friends from across the hall.

"Yeah! I'll make sure to bring up that idea! Okay, bye Yeonjun, Soobin." They waved at the retreating figure, before Mingi called out again. "Oh, and Bin-ah?" Said male turned around, and hummed at the orange haired male. "Thanks for lending me your homework, I would've been screwed."

"No problem, Gi. Just make sure to remember our plans," Soobin reminded, before waving and walking off with his boyfriend.

"What was that?" Seonghwa asked with a smirk.

"Oh, we have a double date with them," Yunho shrugged.

"Oh, cool..." San said, making Yunho and Mingi simply reply with an "mhm."

After that, the group of friends started walking around, soon exiting the school premises. "Guys, I was thinking we can go to the arcade, just like we did in the summer!"

Mingi jumped up and down at the idea, "yeah!! Please, let's go, please." Mingi's wide doe eyes was enough to make everyone agree to going.

When entering, the friends had just as much fun as they used to before the start of the year. These past few weeks, the load of work dumped on the each of them has drifted them apart, so they were glad they could spend this time together.

However, while San was enjoying his time with his friends, he didn't notice the excessive amount of times his boyfriend called, since his phone was packed up in his backpack.


a/n: what do u think?? :))

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