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Mingi whined as he had to force Seonghwa's hands off of Yunho. "San!" He smacked said boy in the head lightly, "why'd you dare them to do that?!"

"Babe, it's okay. It was just a dare. Your kisses are way better anyway." He whispered the last part to Mingi, hoping no one would hear, but to his misfortune, it was his turn to get smacked in the head by Seonghwa.

"I can hear you, you know." San simply giggled at the bickering trio.

"Alright, alright. Back to the game," Yunho interrupted, spinning the bottle.

It landed on San, Yunho smirked. "Truth or Dare, Sannie~"

"Remember you can't choose truth all the time, you already used it 3 times before this. Be risky! What's the worst that could happen?" Mingi scolded.

"I could kiss Seonghwa or maybe even you," San said with a fake gag. This caused him to be tackled and tickled by the two. Gasping for air, San asked for truce, and after a bit, they finally gave in.

"Okay, okay. Fine, I choose dare." San huffed out, hugging the pillow tighter.

Yunho pretended to think for a bit, before looking San in the eye, without wavering eye contact the whole way through, scaring San slightly. "I dare you to send Woo your best pickup line."

"Pfft, no way he'd answer," San tried to avert the topic, so Yunho would change the dare.

"Worth a shot. Plus, it's a dare, remember the rules.. You do the dare, or answer the question, or you drink. We have school tomorrow, don't want you skipping classes, now do we, Sannie?" Yunho fake pouted, while looking expectantly at San.

Sighing, San promised he'd do all that was asked of him, so he wouldn't wake up with a headache. They were all forced to take a shot at the beginning of the game, to keep the adrenaline high. He hoped that would be his last shot for the night, so he sucked it up and complied.

Taking out his phone, San went to Wooyoung's account and pressed 'message', making him go to the blank chat between him and Wooyoung. Thinking hard, San thought of a pickup line, hoping it would work.

This specific pickup line needed to be answered before it could be executed, so San prayed he would respond.


say, i'm planning on
taking my boyfriend out
on a date...
sent at 7:52pm

"Done," he claimed after he had sent the message.

"Now we wait." They then resumed the game, silently wishing Wooyoung would respond.


a/n: thoughts?

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