self promo ig...?

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hey again! idrk if this is a good idea💀 but i alr posted it saur 😬 i posted a one shot book if you'd like to check it out :) it's around several ships from several groups and i really hope u enjoy it <3

i actually didn't really wanna post it here but i thought since most don't follow me that maybe you'd like to read it but wouldn't have found out otherwise 🙃 or maybe that's just wishful thinking😅 but oh well....

i actually didn't really wanna post it here but i thought since most don't follow me that maybe you'd like to read it but wouldn't have found out otherwise 🙃 or maybe that's just wishful thinking😅 but oh well

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u can find it on my page and i hope to see u guys there~ i love and miss you all😔💗

take care and stay safe🥺 have a great day/night and merry christmas to whoever celebrates it, and since i won't be posting on here for a while, happy new yearrr! (and happy v day on dec 30💀✌️)

anyways byeee~! <333 love y'all 🥰


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