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A/N: So once again I am attempting to edit this story and improved. I have been taking a course in Creative Writing so hopefully this course has helped me improve massively when sorting through this story.


The world is messed up. It has been throughout history and it continues to be to this day. Those with any differences are persecuted and treat with disrespect for simply being born the way they were. There is discrimination even now with all the equal right acts enforced. There is still racism, sexism, we still must fight for what we want. Of course, being a half breed varies this.

There are many half breeds that are accepted within today's society. You know, the usual vampire/werewolf or werewolf/human mix. Those types. However, being a witch/werewolf is not accepted. In many ways, I do understand this, I get why witches are hated I really do. But this discrimination is stifling. The witches are a force of evil, many witches would draw their power from the death and corruption in the world. They would prey on weaker supernatural's and manipulate them to do their bidding.

It is believed that their goal in life was to become the superior species, the reason they hunted and attacked the other races. I guess, it wouldn't be so bad if the genetics of witches were like fairies, maybe then the acceptance might occur. However, where fairies could draw their power from the positivity in the world, it was near impossible for witches to do so. It was because of this that the purges began.

The werewolves being the leaders of this movement. They gathered up all the supernatural's and began to cleanse the world of this evil. The werewolves took the responsibility of overseeing this movement because of their nature. They were possessive and protective. Wanting to keep their own safe as well as ensuring that no one else could be hurt via the witches. The Alphas split up the covens between everyone and well, that was it.

My coven was wiped out whilst I was still a toddler. I can remember a fair bit of it all too well though. The blood, destruction, and fire. The endless pile of bodies around the place. The screams seemed to never end, and I remember I had felt sick. I didn't like anyone there, they had ignored me whenever I tried to show or do anything. It was rare to be noticed unless you were someone in a position of power.

I like to think, that was one of the reasons I was spared that night. I can't say for certain why but that is one of the reasons I like to believe. I do also have suspicions it is because the Alpha smelt the werewolf genes in me, and couldn't bring himself to kill someone of their own kind. So, I was raised by him and his wife, alongside the pack. Life in the pack has been stressful, I was never fully accepted. They did treat me okay but no one ever wanted to be my friend. My life has been lonely. Dull even.

I became the pack apothecary, a way of keeping me in check I guess, making me follow the rules. Yet, there is something brewing in the air. There is talk of a return of witches, some who were hidden all this time. So far, it is only rumours but...there is a war upcoming.

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