Chapter Sixteen: Escape

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Chapter Sixteen: ~Lina

The weeks flew by. Literally. Each day went by the same, I would train and practice with Isabelle's help. We would eat laugh. I spent a lot of my time at her house. Killian seemed to be avoiding me more than normal and I had no idea why. I felt like everything was going downhill completely. The day time was fine, everything was fine. Then came the nights.

I suffered the same nightmare over and over. To top things off I would have this emptiness settle over me. Not having Killian's presence was killing me. He was an ass hole and yet he was my mate. I needed him and he me...although he seemed to be doing a good job of pretending otherwise.

Today was a day to relax and gain back all the strength I lost during the week's training. The amount of energy it took out of me was one of the reasons I always avoided using magic. I hated it. I hated using magic and knowing it could kill too. I wanted to use my magic for good. Killing someone with it would mean I am exactly like the witches. I would not be like them.

During the week I was also practising controlling my affinity. If I could perfect it, then maybe...just maybe I could fight the darkness that would no doubt claim me. Maybe...just maybe I could do that. Tate had searched records for me of the data base that stored who had what affinity. The one with the affinity for light was not on there. Records stated that no affinity was ever present. Which meant I would most likely not be stopped.

I quickly get changed and go for a walk. The morning was cool and crisp. It smelt of fresh rain and morning dew. It was one of my favourite smells. There was just something about the morning after a rain fall that made everything seem mystical. I loved it all.


I freeze. My body shivers and I hold back tears. His voice was a welcome to me and I wanted so badly to turn and see him...but he sounded guarded...his voice laced with some sort of warning venom. He was giving off a troubled aura and I was feeling anger and sadness directed towards me. The two conflicting emotions were overpowering and I had to try and block my sense to it.

"Killian." I respond, keeping all emotion out of my voice. I slowly turned in time to see him flinch a little. He seemed offended and I tried to control my anger. How dare he seem offended by something I've said! He has no right to be offended, if anyone should be offended it's me. He's been ignoring me for weeks, pretending like I don't exist.

I take in his appearance and I won't lie. I'm shocked. He looks awful. I mean I thought I looked horrific. Bags under my eyes, pale skin and my hair is always a mess. Killian however...he looks dead...literally. His eyes look slightly sunken and he looks like he hasn't slept at all. Whereas, I get like an hour or two it's as if he has had none. His skin is sickly pale, almost yellow looking.

"Killian." I say again..."Are...are you okay?"

"I....Um....c..can we talk...please Lina...." I nod. This time there's desperation and pain in his voice. He begins walking away and I follow. I'm suprised when we walk away from the pack and into the woods. I resist the urge to ask where we are going. He looks to be having a battle inwardly with himself.

Ten minutes later were climbing a hill. I feel my breathing go uneven. I was supposed to be taking it easy not pushing myself by walking up steep hills with rocks and roots tripping me up all the time. When we arrive at the top I gasp. On top of the hill sits a single tree. The branches are so thick that it creates a shade. Blossoms fall from the tree. I smile without meaning too. This place is beautiful.

"Killian....this's so beautiful."

"My mom and dad met here..." he says "My biological dad that a way this is the place it all step dad also proposed to her was their place."Looking down I notice all the tree tops and a lake. It glistens in the morning sun. Killian takes a seat leaning against the tree bark and motions for me to sit next to him. I take his left feeling better sitting on this side.

"It really is" I trail off not knowing what to say or what to expect.

"I found out your clan Lina..." he says and I turn to face him.

"I...I'm sorry?"

"You're part of the Krokenza clan." he says and I frown.

"I..I don't understand."

"That clan murdered my family Lina....they tortured me. I can't die because of them!"

"That...that's not me though. I hate the witches Killian!" I reply. "I really do! I hate them....I....I don't want to be associated with them! Why the hell do you keep doing this to me!"

"Do wha-"

"Don't you dare say fucking do what Killian. I can't keep doing this with you! You keep pointing out how different I am! I know I'm different, no one has ever let me forget it but let me tell you something. I am your mate! Your equal therefore you do not get to treat me like I am the enemy here. I love you for gods sa-"

I freeze and he does too. I I mean that?

"Lina..." he says "I..."

"Forget it...I..." I get up and am about to leave when I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me down. The reaction I get is not what I would ever expect. Lips mould against mine, warm and soft...nothing like his rough personality. I shiver and don't respond...if I'm honest I don't know what to do. Guys always avoided one ever talked to me or took an interest. This is so very new to me. He pulls away and frowns.

"I...I'm sorry..." he says. "Remember though...this is our place now." He kisses me again softly and I feel my eyes close. Then as softly as the lips touch my own they're gone. Opening my eyes I notice Killian is too.

I look around before I cry out in frustration. Why was he doing this to me! Why was he messing with me soo much. I didn't deserve this. I really didn't. He knew that...he must do...


The next day we walk to the pack house. I haven't been back here for weeks and it feels weird. In a way I've kinda thought of Isabelle's house as my home. We've gotten so close to each other that she is now like a sister to me.

"So...why do you think Killian is calling us all round?" She asks me and I shrug.

"Beats me...I never know what to expect from him....he really is bipolar...and I ..I kinda shouldn't be attracted to him because he's not good for anyone's health...and yet I am..."

"Talking about me ladies." I turn to see Tate.

"In your dreams." I mutter.

"Ah, I always dream about you two." He says with a wink and I roll my eyes.

"I thought you weren't allowed to be near me?" I ask.

"Pack meeting...naturally I will be near you so I figured screw his rules." I chuckle and make my way into the meeting room. Once there we wait for Killian to arrive and when he does he looks anywhere but at me. I frown but then again I should be used to this. He often ignored me.

"Pack I have an may come to a shock to you all...but a mole has been discovered within the pack...Rogues are currently surrounding our territory. As punishment for the moles behaviour they will be banished and given to the rogues. They should be grateful that I am not killing them. Their betrayal is not what I expected and when I found out who it was I was speechless. Never did I ever think this betrayal would occur. Which is why the person being banished is......"

We all wait as he lets the tension build. How he managed to find out who the mole was would probably always be a mystery. But when Killian had a job he stuck to it. He would find out and then we could protect the pack properly.

"Luna Lina."

A/N: So guys here is another chapter. It's been like a week since I updated but I am on top of my work for now so I thought let's update. Also I decided I cannot keep watching The Big Bang Theory all night when I have some free time. I need time to write as well. Anyways I hope you enjoy and can I just say thanks for all the votes and comments. I'm glad you like this story :) <3

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