Chapter twenty one: resolving lina

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Chapter twenty one: ~Killian

When the light finally died down there was only a shadow left of Laura. I wasn't too sure how I managed what I did but I knew i was guessing it had something to do with my anger. When Lina first truly discovered her affinity she was fuming, so I must have had a similar experience.

To say I felt any regret or sorrow for killing my own aunt I don't. I really couldn't care less. She had been evil in the end. Her intentions only bad. I was angry still at her. But she was dead and there was nothing more I could do about it.

"A...alp...ha." A croaky voice says. Turning I see Isabella still lying there. Barely conscious. I rush over and kneel by her.

"Hold on." I say looking at her wound. It's deep and I'm not sure if we can really help her with that deep a wound but an Alpha can only hope. It is at this moment that a sharp pain floods me and I feel as if I'm burning again.

"Th...pack......m...m...el...." Isabella tries to say but I stop her.

"Don't speak. I'll sort this out I promise. Just hold on Isabella. Promise to hold on."

My pack is dying I can feel it and I know who's the reason behind it. The fact that Lina is causing this pain and death to my pack fills me with pain. Taking deep breaths I try to steady my body and stop the room from spinning. The signs are not good. If I'm feeling like this then it must mean my pack is hanging on by a thread.

I look around the room quickly and spy some material. Picking it up I go back to Isabella and tie it tightly around her wound. Hopefully that should stop the bleeding, there was a high chance she could still die from blood loss but right now I needed to help the rest of my pack. As I climb the stairs I make my way outside and into the night air to join my pack.

A sharp pain hits me again but it is worse than before. The feeling reminds me of the burning sensation Laura caused only intensified. For a few minutes the world seemed to stop, I couldn't breath and I couldn't think. I could just about stand, hunched over in the pain of my pack. Once the pain was over I took deep breaths and braced myself for what will be outside.

Bodies lie everywhere. There is not one untouched by some injury or another. A smell of death and blood assaulted my nostrils and I have to hold back the contents of my stomach. I had heard of whole packs being destroyed and only the Alpha standing. It often caused the Alpha to go mad, become a rogue and eventually die. From the scene before me I could understand why.

There were puddles of blood in places and the grass seemed stained by the blood. Forever marred and robbed of it's rich green colour to be replaced by the crimson. The only people left standing in the field were myself, Lina, Graham and a girl holding Graham up. From what I could see Graham was badly injured.

Lina had her back to me, facing them and looked ready to strike any minute.

"Lina!" I call and she whips her head around at an unnatural speed. I resist the urge to flinch at how much she has changed. I had once called her unnatural the way she was, but I had lied...she had been perfect and I only pushed her away. Now she really was unnatural and gone...but I was determined to get her back.

"The girl with Graham." I say calmly. "Go get medical help for him. Then bring help back here ASAP." She nods and they rush off.

"You're no fun." Lina says, her voice sounds as if she is possessed. It is deeper and there are more than once voice at one time. I shiver. "I wanted to play with them like I did everyone else."

"Lina this isn't you." I say taking a bold step forward. She laughs and it echoes into the silence surrounding us bouncing around and filling my ears with the pure evil of it.

"Of course this is me." she says. "The real me. My affinity is also my identity Killian, did you really think the darkness was just...shadows." I scowl at her saying nothing. "oh darling really, the shadows are symbolic of my true nature. All affinities are. Like Laura. her affinity was for fire. Hence her fiery nature. Of course her affinity was rubbish which led to her....death...."

She stares at me as if just realising what had happened. I raise an eyebrow at her as she frowns at me.

"How did you kill her?" She asks. I shrug in response.

"Look...Lina...come back to me." I say walking forward. "Please, that's all I ask. I...I love you Lina..I need you, the real you not the expected stereotypically witch people think you are. I need the kind caring emotional little half breed who has an obsession of me and Marvel. Please Lina...look around you." By this point I'm in front of her. She could easily kill me now even more so but I have to try this if nothing else. "Look at all the death you've caused...this isn't you. You are stronger than this, so much better."

I see her head turn and her eyes lighten a little. As she turns it's as if she's just realised the damage of her destruction.

"No..." she whispers.

"I can help you." I say. "I need you to trust me though Lina." She faces me.

"This isn't what I wanted...I...what purpose do I serve now...." it seemed as if she was having an internal battle as she said that. As if there were reasons behind it all. I lift my hand up and hold it in the air palm up. A white light glows softly around it.

"Take my hand Lina....we'll get through this I promise." I say I can see the hesitation she holds. I can see the way she's fighting with herself over what is real or is not real anymore. "I'm real Lina...I'm here for you. You once asked me to trust you. Now you need to trust me."

She nods and slowly places her hand over mine. It's cold to the point where she could pass as being dead and her skin had lost it's usual soft quality. As our hands meet my light consumes her body and chases the shadows away. As the final shadow vanishes she collapses into my arms.


Seven days. Eighteen hours. Forty three minutes and fifteen seconds. That's how long it has been since Lina passed out. Our pack doctor had been one of those who died so we had to seek specialist help out. Other packs from around the world were also severely damaged. The witches had put up one hell of a fight but then the king of them had intervened.

Apparently he had been in hiding with all the good witches preparing to help and stop a war should it be needed. If you ask me has was just a coward. I mean sure...he was my dad but I didn't really know the guy. The war had ended anyways but the death toll was high. Isabella had just made it. She was still weak but would often join me by Lina's bedside and read. Graham and his mate, as the girl turned out to be, Ronnie were frequent visitors as well. I was thankful for their company. Needing them to be strong.

We had lost pretty much our entire pack, we were all that's left. There had been many discussions about what we should do after everyone was fully recovered. My dad had volunteered for us to stay with him but I refused. I said I would keep in touch now and then but I had a life, he had his. Besides Lina needed a fresh start somewhere away from here. Away from the reminder about what she did.

In the end we had decided that I would become a teaching professor at the Alpha Academy in Wales. Graham, Ronnie and Isabella said they too would take up jobs there. We were family after all and it seemed as if we could all do with the new start. As soon as Lina was awake I would see what she thinks.

"Killian." Isabella says looking at Lina. I turn and see her eye lids fluttering. I smile and sit on the bed next to her small frame.

"Lina...thank god you're okay. I missed you my little witch."

As her eyes fully open she turns to face me.

"W...Who are you?"


A/N: Evil me? Maybe...this story will be ending in a couple more chapters though guys. Eek I'm excited. :) Anyways hope you enjoyed :) <3

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