Chapter Seven: Trapped

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Chapter seven: ~Lina

"I'm going to kill Tate for that," he says.

"Yeah yeah." I mutter and sigh. I feel him stare at me but I look away.

"You've cut your hair." he states.

"I have,"


"Felt like it."

"I preferred it long."

"Shame" I roll off his chest and turn my back to him. I hear him growl and sigh. I was tired and the word evil kept going through my head. I would try but would he really be trying if he was convinced I was evil? Who knew...certainly not me. I sigh as I feel him pull me towards him. My back hits his chest and I absently trace his tattoo again. I was tired and my brain didn't seem to be functioning properly. I drift off to sleep eventually contemplating what I should do.


Waking up I groaned. I was far too warm again and something was heavy lying on me. I'm lying on my stomach so I have to crane my head to one side. A small pain aches but I ignore it. Above me I see Killian growling lying over me in a protective stance.

"Get. Out." He says to whoever is presumably by the door. I struggle and try to get up but am pushes further into the mattress.

"Killian." I say to which he growls in response too. I sigh and just lie there turning my head to look at the headboard.

"I'm sorry Alpha but it's important. There are rogues in our territory." I hear Killian growl and silence then followS. My guess is there is some telepathic communication going on. A few moments later I hear a door close before Killian moves.

"You will stay here." He says before leaving and locking the door.

"What. The. Actual. Hell!" I say sitting up. Why the hell was I being trapped? Locked up? I thought he was going to try. This to me doesn't look like he is trying to make any effort towards me. I walk to the door and pull on it. It doesn't budge.

"Morning Melina." I hear Tate say from outside the door.

"Tate let me out!" I say "Please I don't lije being locked in"

"Sorry little witch but Alpha's orders. You aren't to leave." he replies.

"I won't leave the house I swear." I say.

"Sorry Melina." I groan and punch the door before walking towards the bathroom. Taking a shower I sigh in relief. The water was a welcome, albiet stinging a little and looking down I noticed cuts from my temper tantrum the other day, I wince at the memory. God, I was a brat. I hated the way I acted a lot of the time without thinking but I guess that is one of my many flaws. Sighing I get out the shower and walk towards the walk in closet.

Once there I pick up another pair of leggings and pull on one of Killians tees again. This time I wear one that has scooby doo on. I then sit on the couch and watch some tele. After about two hours though I am in desperate need of getting outside. I walk to the door.

"Tate?" I ask quietly knowing he would hear me.

"Sorry to dissappoint." says a voice I don't recognise. "He's had to go help the Alpha so I've been put here as his replacement."

"Oh...what's your name then?"


"Can you please unlock this door?"

"No." was worth a try.

"Please, I really need to just walk outside this room."


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