Chapter Nineteen: Lineage p1

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Chapter Nineteen: ~Killian

I stare at the name in the tree bark Laura.

"No," Isabella says. "It can't just can't be. The"

"This has to be a trick." I growl "This can't be right."

"Oh my dear boy I'm afraid it is. I am indeed the mole and very much indeed a witch."

We all turn and see my aunt Laura standing there. She has wicked glare on her face and an evil glint in her eyes. Looking at her I barely recognised her. She seemed different. Nothing like the woman I remember from my past. How could she be a witch too? There was no logic. My mind struggles to keep up with what was going on.

"Why?" I growl out.

"You'll learn soon enough. Not right now but soon."

"We trusted you!" Isabella yells. Tate holds her back as she goes to swing at her. To be fair I'm holding myself back because right now all I want to do is hurt her.

"Where is Lina" I manage to say.

" that would be telling sweetie." I growl and charge. All I can see is red. My mate is in danger and right now I need to have her back where I know she will be safe.

"Killian no!" I hear Tate call but by the time I register why he has said that I feel a silver knife cut my arm. I hiss in pain and my knees buckle from underneath me. I turn to see Laura's gone and snarl in rage.


"We cannot just do nothing!" I yell at Tate for what seems like the hundredth time. "Your Luna is missing does that mean nothing to you?!"

"Of course it does Killian. Melina is like a sister to me! I don't think you realise just how special Melina is."

"Of course I bloody do I love her!" I yell back at him.

"Guys this isn't going to get Melina back!" Isabella says pitching in. "We need a plan before we do anything. This means war guys! Were going up against not just one clan but the whole witch society. We attack first we start a war."

"She's right." Graham says. "We need to contact all the packs...we need to get this sorted."

"Right." Tate says. "Don't worry man we'll get our Luna back." I merely nod. "Now get some rest dude. We'll get it all sorted."

"No I need to help."

"Dude you look like shit." he states. "We need a strong Alpha not some ill, exhausted one."

"Fine...wake me up when we have progress." I say. I feel bad for sleeping without Lina near me or safe but right now I'm of no use to her in this sorry mess. So doing as I am told I go and lie on the couch in my office and close my eyes.


"Killian we've got their location." I jolt wide awake and look to see Isabella standing there, a map in her hand. "We found her."

"How?" I ask immediately getting up.

"Because I'm clever." she replies.

"She got lucky when watching tv." Tate says.

"Watching were watching TV when my mate is in danger?!"

"To be fair I found your little mate didn't I?" she snaps back. "And to be fair I was watching whilst helping out so shut up." I growl.

"She did find them to be fair..." Graham says quietly. I look at him and frown, there's something he's keeping secret but I'll question him later.

"See I found her and then we got conformation from Graham's rogue mate" I'm about to say something when she continue speaking. "Don't ask...long story we'll get to that a few months time. Anyways so I was watching Charmed and they did this thing with a map right? and they measured with string from one place to sources of natural elements. They then connected them and it formed a pentagon right? So I thought....were hunting witches...evil ones who will most likely be in a battleground of good and evil so why don't I try that."

"America is huge though." I say.

"Yes but they must be in the area...I mean it's Laura...she won't have gone far. So I plotted any natural elemental places and managed to make a pentagram out of one. See." she holds up the map and in the centre is a place circled. I'm guessing Lina is there. I feel my wolf stir at this.

"Are we ready to go?" I ask and they nod.

"Yes Alpha. Everyones ready and packs all over the world are prepared. Now is the time to attack."


To say we took them by surprise would be incorrect. When we got to the building it looked empty. Isabella, Tate and I went inside carefully. There appeared to be nothing. Or at least not until we went under the floor boards. There were chambers all around and it reminded me a lot of a maze. We walked carefully and quietly down each corridor desperately hoping for some sort of sign we were close.

Each corridor was lit by a small light. The lights began to flicker the further we walked before going off completely. Then a scream erupts down the corridor.

"Lina!" I yell before taking off into a run. I use my wolf senses to see which way I'm going. I hear Isabella and Tate on my heels and I turn sharply and walk into a room. As we enter the room the door closes loudly making Isabella jump. Looking around I spot Laura in the middle of the room and growl.

"I must thank you Killian." she says. "If it weren't for you I wouldn't have the final ingredient I needed to complete the ceremony of Melina's transformation." As she says this I see Lina step out of the shadows...only it isn't her.

Her appearance looks different. Her hair is once again long, looking almost black. Her eyes fully she's possessed. Shadows whip around her as she smirks her sharp canines visible in the dim light.

"What have you done to Melina?!" Tate growls out and I match his growl.

"I simply awoke the darkness that lies within her. See we saw it in a prophecy that a half breed would be full of darkness. When we found out it was Melina...the mate to another half breed we were ecstatic. Especially when that other half breed happened to be my brothers son. My Nephew."

A/N: Cliff hanger. This chapter is in two parts because I kinda want to have a certain amount of chapters on this story. This plot twist has been planned since like chapter eight/nine. I've been waiting to like spring it on you all. Anyways I have all the chapters wrote I will just publish them when I get free the time. I need to start revising for exams, their in like four weeks and I haven't even begun to teach myself the whole health and social exam yet eeek....Anyways till next time all ;) x <3

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