Chapter Eleven: Why?

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Chapter Eleven: ~Tate

Agreeing to help Melina was definatley a mistake. I would get into so much trouble from Killian for this. I wasn't even sure how to keep it a secret. The pack link made things trickier too. Still, if she had a way for us to win this was then I would help in any way I could. She seemed to genuinley want to help out. Since arriving here, Melina has had a bit of a hard time. The pack disliked her at first until the day on the training feild. It was clear then how she had always been left out. 

Then seeing her so broken and was weird. She had been through a lot we could tell that much. Then the morning we all had breakfast it was clear she was different to anyones expectations. The pack loved her, she was a complete opposite to Killian and what he had been like. She was a welcomed change. One we all needed. 

It was known throughout the pack that she and Killian had gotten into another row and fallen out. That much was obvious this morning at breakfast. Killian completely blanked her and pretended like she didn't even exist. Melina had carried on like nothing had happened though. To be honest Killian needed to sort himself out, the mate bond wasn't connecting and taking like it should because of how he is treating Melina. 

One minute she's everything, the next the witch who causes him bother. In truth I didn't know what to expect anymore from them. It was as if any progress they made would be forgotten the next day and they had to try and get back to a stable point again before going on. There was tension around Killian the rest of the day. He growled at me every so often. No doubt smelling Melina on me.

After I had agreed to help, she had hugged me and told me to find her when I was ready. It was weird, he got so jealous yet refused to claim her or really put any restrictions on. Other Alpha wolves would go crazy leaving their mate unmarked for so long, but not Killian. It was weird, he sometimes seemed so relaxed about the whole mate bond, not like any other Alpha I've ever known.

"Is something wrong?" Killian asks still glaring at me.

"No Alpha." I reply calmly. "Why?"

"Youve been fidgeting and there is clearly something bothering you. Mind sharing."

"It is nothing important."

"I believe if it involves my mate it does Tate."

"I'm sorry?"

"You...spending so much time around Melina. May I remind you she is mine. You have no right to be as close to her as you are."

"There is nothing going on between me and Melina Killian. We are just friends. She's more like my little sister if anything." I reply. I was getting annoyed at Killian and his attitude. He was so annoying and although he may my Alpha he was an ass a lot of the time.

"I don't care she is mine."

"If she was really yours, you wouldn't be acting like such an ass towards her."  I snap. "I'm done my work for the day." I leave quickly not giving him a chance to reply. I hear him growl but I take off into a sprint in search of Melina.



I walked around the room I had taken residence in and paced ack and forth. I was nervous to say the least. I wasn't even sure how I was going to pull this off. It was by far the most nerve wrecking thing I would probably ever do. If I was lucky this would work, if not...then the rogues would be dead and we'd have some empty cells. I was trying to be positive about this and hope it would work but there was no garantee. 

According to the books it had taken other witches years to accomplish what I was going to attempt. I hadn't used a lot of my active powers. They're more healing qualities and simple electirc shocks. Nothing like what I was hoping to do. I take deep breaths trying to calm my nerves. I needed as clear a head as I could manage if I was to be successful. 

I hear a knock on the door and I go and answere it. Tate stands there leaning casually against the door frame.

"You ready?" He asks me and I nod; quickly rushing to the desk and grabbing the paper with the instructions on.

"Lead the way Tate."  I say and he nods.


I expected the cells or dungeons to be under the pack house but we walked through the forest for a while before stopping by a large oak tree. He kicked a stone and the ground opened upto reveal a stair case.

"Nifty," I say admiring the coolness of it all. It reminded me a lot of a booby traps and secret tombs you see on action films. Kinda like Indianna Jones. I hear Tate chuckle as we walk down the stairs. Cells line the walls and the shouting of prisoners can be heard. He leads me all the way down and I keep my eyes on Tate's back not wanting to look into the cells unless necessary.

We finally stop and Tate mutters to a guard. I don't hear what's said but the guard seems to have a problem with his request. They argue silently for a while before the gaurd finally sighs in defeat and leaves. Tate then opens the cell and I walk in after he gestures 'ladies first'. In the far corner sits a man chained to the wall. He looks gruff and very rogue like.

"This one appears to be the leader of the group of rogues. I figured you'd want to practice on him. That way if he dies...the others may be scared and spill the beans." Tate says.

"Yeah." I reply "Good plan." I walk towards the man and he looks up at me glaring.

"So the little witch bitch appears then?" he says sneering. His eyes are an eerie yellow and I feel the room go cold. So much hatred in a pair of eyes. I kneel before him and pull the paper out of. 

"Ah, practicing a spell are you?" He sneers again and I don't reply. I close my eyes and place them on the mans face taking deep breaths. Under my breath I mutter the words I have had to memorise from the book and concentrate on the feeling of hatred and pain I have always felt in my life. I feel it bubble, boiling inside of me ready to explode, It is getting closer and closer but I keep it locked inside still. Waiting...

I feel sweat drip down my face, but I keep concentrating. My insides begin to burn but I don't focus too much on that. I can't. If I do then it will consume me and I will die. Instead I focus on all the names I've been called. On all the hatred directed towards me because of my being a witch. I finish the incantation and feel all the power flow down my arms and into the body of the man in front of me. He screams in pain, a blood curdling scream but I don't falter.

When all the power has left me I fall backwards only to be caught by Tate. I open my eyes, everything seems blurry but I sit myself up ignoring the feeling of dizziness. 

"What did you do to me." The man wheezes out.

"We shall see won't we." I mutter as I slowly and carefully sit up. As I look at him i grab a dagger from Tate's side and pull it down the mans t-shirt. On his chest lies a symbol and I grin. 

"What did you do exactly Melina?" I hear Tate ask before I plunge the dagger into the mans chest and right into his heart. He screams in pain but there is no blood. He just screams in pain. I pull the dagger out and watch as his skin knits itself together again. 

"I cursed him Tate." I say. "He cannot die..."



Dun, dun dun. So I have an idea where I'm going with this story now and I am dead excited for what I have planned. I was also wondering if anyone had any idea who could play Killian and Tate. I can't find anyone I feel fits them but you guys might have someone in mind who you feel fits with their character. Any reccomendations please comment them. Also please vote and comment what you think of my story. It means a lot to know people are enjoying it. <3 Luv ya's x

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