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"Come think of it; we've waited long enough to delay another year to build a family."

"I guess you have a point."

"Three years, Y/N. It's about time for a little kid to run around the corridors, no?"

Empress Y/N fondly shook her head. She took a sip from her cup of tea, eyeing her husband, Emperor Soobin, who was sitting in front of her across the small, round table.

A myriad of fortune rained upon their kingdom during the first three years of their rule. As a young couple, they were overwhelmed in the beginning. But the more they sat comfortably on their thrones, the better they proved themselves as the worthy sovereigns for Jeongdu.

"Lady Dalja," Emperor Soobin called to his side. "Don't you think it would be exciting for the palace to hear a newborn's cry after two decades?"

"Of course, Your Majesty!" Lady Dalja exclaimed, pouring them another drink. "After all, it was Prince Yujeong who was last to be delivered within these walls."

"I'm certain that mama and papa will be pleased to hold another kid in their arms." Empress Y/N added. "How delightful would that be?"

Ah, an heir was the talk of the town. Emperor Soobin never hid his desire of raising a child, be it a son or a daughter. As a royal, it was his duty to extend the bloodline for the sake of the upcoming generation. Empress Y/N gladly accepted the idea; as for her, the thought of being a mother was one thrilling experience.

The couple was no stranger to the "deed". However, since they've always kept it "safe", Emperor Soobin looked forward to giving it a shot.

"Ah, I almost forgot." Lady Dalja put down the kettle. "Today's the day the High Court welcomes a new member, Your Majesties."

"Really?" Emperor Soobin raised a brow. "I almost forgot about that."

"I've leared that this person's name is Jang Hyunseul." Empress Y/N stated. "She's quite eccentric, I daresay. A little cunning and ambitious too."

"Makes her worthy for a spot, doesn't it?" Lady Dalja beamed.

"As long as she fulfills her duties well," Emperor Soobin finished his cup. "Then we shall see."

Knock. Knock.

Lady Dalja scurried to fetch the door. Lady Jungyeon stepped in with a bright look on her face. Now being a senior in the court, the girl tend to run heavier errands.

"Your Grace," she chirped. "The carriage is here."

"Perfect." Empress Soobin stood. "Here, darling. Hold me."

He offered out a hand for his wife to take, helping her up. Emperor Soobin dusted her robes for her before planting a loving kiss on her temple. Lady Dalja and Lady Jungyeon led the way, palms tucked underneath their sleeves. The royal couple intertwined their fingers for a brief moment and separated as soon as they stepped out of the palace doors.

Amidst the scorching, hot sun, everyone waited in front of the gates to welcome their guest.

From the bronze carriage came a fair maiden clad in her sapphire-blue robes. Her straight hair was neatly tucked in a tight bun, secured with silver pins. She wore no other jewelry than her pearl earrings, diverting the attention to her face. Her complexion was flawlessly fair. Her eyes were a little big but sharp, lips lusciously red and slightly curved up in a grin.

She held a confident stance. Her small hands clasped neatly on her stomach. Empress Y/N was astounded. This woman was the epitome of grace, beauty, and seduction.

"Your Majesties," she bowed. "I am humbled and honored to be given such privilege to enter your palace."

"We are definitely pleased to have you, Lady Hyunseul." Empress Y/N nodded.

"Thank you, Your Grace."

"We were told that you came from a neighboring kingdom," Emperor Soobin prompted. "And that you were a scholar there."

"Oh, yes. I was an apprentice in Gujeok's court for a year. However, upon hearing about your empire, I decided to test my limits and seek bigger opportunities to serve the public."

"Impressive." Empress Y/N's eyes glittered. "I always find goal-oriented people fascinating, Lady Hyunseul."

She shyly giggled. "Please, Your Majesty."

"I expect you to do greatly in the council then. We assume your presence will bring useful contributions to further lift our beloved land."

"That I can guarantee you, Your Grace. I will be at my best."

"Well, ladies." Emperor Soobin held his waist. "We certainly don't have all day to chatter under the heat, do we? Let's take this discussion inside, yes?"

"Of course."

"My darling cannot stand this inconvenience. How dare the weather torture such an angel like her."

"Soobin," Empress Y/N blushed. "Enough with your silly commentaries. We have a guest to accommodate."

Chuckling, Emperor Soobin escorted his wife with a gentle push on the back. Empress Y/N marched close to him and he took the chance to peck her cheeks.

Lady Hyunseul followed short, eyes lingering on the man himself. A sly smirk appeared on her lips for a second.

As faithful as he may be right now towards the Empress, Emperor Soobin will eventually change.

Lady Hyunseul can definitely bet on that.

Soon enough, he'll be the one to take back his own words.

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