𝖤𝗉𝗂𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾 : 𝖠𝗐𝖿𝗎𝗅 𝖧𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒

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"The High Court announces the appeal to Jang Hyunseul's case now fulfilled. It has been proven that she, a former member to the council and almost-bride to the late Emperor is guilty of fraud and treason."

Prince Yujeong sat in front of the crowd with his parents and Lady Jungyeon on his side. Two months after Emperor Soobin and Lady Y/N's burial and they were yet to witness Lady Hyunseul's public execution. It was upon the young Prince's glory that he was opted to select her punishment. To be slowly burned to death it was.

"Adding to breaking the agreement to her banishment as Hwang Nayoung, it was stated that convicted returnees to the kingdom shall face terrible consequences. So shall be dealt according to the rules."

Lady Hyunseul was escorted up the stage. Her robes were disgustingly dirty as dirt and dust clung onto her skin and fabric. She also had a few scratches in an attempt to escape her prison. Her nails were chipped. Her hair was that of a nest. Her figure was terribly skinny after the Prince and the servants refused to provide her sufficient amount of food and water. She stumbled into the steps, falling onto her fragile knees.

"Get up." A guard prodded her back. "On your feet this instant."

She shakily stood. Prince Yujeong held his chin. He gestured for the executioner to proceed. They yanked Lady Hyunseul and tied her to a wooden pole. A gallon of gas and alcohol were poured around the maiden. Some were even splashed against her face. The crowd laughed.

"Bring in the torch." Prince Yujeong ordered.

Everyone ceased their breaths, watching in anticipation as the guards jumped off the platform, leaving Lady Hyunseul squirm alone.

"Your Highness.." She whimpered. "Please.. Please.. I don't want to die.."

Prince Yujeong ignored. "Start the fire."



Flames exploded and engulfed the small stage as soon as the torch touched the wood.  Lady Hyunseul's ear-piercing screams and cries erupted throughout the place. People applauded and began chanting, celebrating her demise. The lady writhed, stiffened, and hopelessly begged as the fire gradually burned her clothes, hair, and skin. It was extremely and unbearably painful. However, regardless of how she pleaded, no one lent and ear.


Prince Yujeong left his seat. Lady Jungyeon stayed, insisting to see the mistress turn into ashes. The young royal made his way to the graveyard.

He sadly traced the path to his brother and sister's tombstones. Winter had already ended and the colorful spring arrived. Cherry blossoms littered around their memorials. They were buried right next to each other, thanks to everybody's request.

He crouched before them and rearranged the flowers in Lady Y/N's vase.

"She's gone now." Prince Yujeong murmured. "Lady Hyunseul is dead, sister."

A bittersweet smile escaped his lips. He rubbed his brother's gravestone clean from dirt. Yes, he was still mad about Emperor Soobin's infidelity. But, he's still his older sibling. He loved him dearly.

"I hope you two have already reconciled, wherever you are." Prince Yujeong sniffled. "I shall sit on the throne next. I'm quite baffled, really. But, I promise not to make the same mistakes as you did."

Cold breeze blew. Leaves and petals flew to his direction and he shielded his face with one arm. He eventually stood and dusted his robes.

"I'll be going now. I'll see you once again." He sighed. "Thank you for serving our kingdom."

He quietly strided away.

Emperor Soobin and Lady Y/N laid behind in forever solidarity. What they had was tragic— but never did Jeongdu flourish after their powerful reign.

Down fell the couple, especially the former Empress. But their legacy shall remain for more generations to come.


𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝖲𝗁𝖾 𝖥𝖾𝗅𝗅 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now