12 : 𝖫𝖺𝖽𝗒 𝖣𝖺𝗅𝗃𝖺'𝗌 𝖢𝗈𝗇𝖿𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇

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Empress Y/N dined with anxiety that night. She was alone by the table, helping herself with a bowl of stew, rice, and tea. Emperor Soobin was up in his study, refusing to join her for a meal. Lady Hyunseul stayed in her quarters to rest as she claimed to be exhausted after hours of sitting inside the theater.

"Sister!" Prince Yujeong barged in.

Empress glanced up. "Hello, Yujeong. Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I haven't." He dragged a chair beside her and took a seat. "That's why I'm here. God, I'm starving."

"Why? What did you do earlier?"

"Oh, nothing." He grinned. "Just tormented Lady Jungyeon, that's all."

She flinched. "Tormented?"

"I made her hold a pear as a target. Daresay, I almost hit her hand but I'm getting a better grip at the bow, so that's news!"

Prince Yujeong thanked the servants as he received his serve and dug in. Empress Y/N furrowed her brows, feeling sympathetical towards her poor friend for having to go through it. She poked through her rice boringly. Whatever Lady Dalja has in store to tell was killing her.

"Sister," her in-law spoke. "You seem bothered. What's the matter?"


"Is it brother again? Lady Hyunseul? What did they do to you this time?"

"They set off to see a show this afternoon." Empress Y/N pressed a thin smile. "I thought you already knew. Besides, that's not the case. It's something else."

"Care to admit?" Prince Yujeong pouted. "I'm here to listen."

"Lady Dalja's ought to fess up a secret, but I don't know what it is. From the way she apologized, it seemed like the matter is serious. It's all over my head, Yujeong. I can't settle down."

"Lady Dalja, huh?" Prince Yujeong tapped his chin. "I wonder what she did."

"Your Grace! Your Highness!"

Empress Y/N and Prince Yujeong dreadfully turned to Lady Hyunseul who gracefully entered the hall. None of her four assistants followed her this time. The servants who were in the room at that moment shot her a glare. She was clearly unwanted, but that didn't faze her. She still wore a sweet smile, eyes twinkling in delight as she held a hand under her swollen belly.

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