03 : 𝖧𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖥𝗈𝗋 𝖸𝗈𝗎

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To my dearest mother and father,

There is only a few days left before we could see each other again. Everyone is thrilled to welcome you back in the palace, especially I, your loving eldest.

I have heard of your situation in the manor. It is upon my greatest relief to know that things are going well for you.

I wish I could come there some time. Yujeong yearns to taste the blueberries you used to grow, mother. Even I look forward to discover what gifts you plan to give us.

My wife and I have been in a tough road lately. It was a very trying occasion for us. I could openly tell you through this letter, but it is better to convey the news in person, in case this falls into somebody else's hands.

As much as I desire to catch up with you, I'm afraid this parchment is too short to house my entire thoughts. So instead, I send you my deepest regards and warmest love.

Father, I hope you will understand me.

I love you.

I will see you soon.

Your forever little boy,

The Emperor put down his quill. He stared at his paper, contemplating whether he should redo the whole thing or leave it be.

"Oh, I hope they don't get mad." He murmured, sealing the letter with a stamp. "Y/N will despise herself even more if they-.."

A worried sigh escaped his lips. He dully raked his hair back, elbows perching on the surface of his mahogany desk. He was all alone in his study, with the night sinking deeper outside. His only company were the orange-yellow tinge cascading from the lanterns, a couple of bonsai trees, and his massive collection of literary works stacked on shelves.

Where was his wife?

In the throneroom, burying herself with late duties. Emperor Soobin tried to talk her out of it, saying she deserves a lot of rest. However, the Empress seemed stubborn, insisting that keeping herself on the move is the only way to cope with the guilt and grief prodding her conscience. Safe to say, she changed a bit. She no longer laughed nor took walks with him. She barely talked- unless it was an important business. She would be often seen buzzing around, mouthing orders, or better yet locking herself with the council for discussions. The gleam and life in her had drained out and Emperor Soobin felt shattered.

"Darling," he shook his head. "My poor darling."

Knock. Knock.

"Your Majesty?" Lady Hyunseul's voice rang. "I have come to deliver your books."

Emperor Soobin sharply inhaled. "In you get."

The door slid open, allowing the lady to enter. Amidst the warm light of the room, she glowed like a goddess, thanks to her bright apparel. She held a pile of novels and scrolls in her arms. She struggled to walk, yet managed to place everything down without a fail. Her plump lips curled into a frown. Exhaustion was evident on her face.

𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝖲𝗁𝖾 𝖥𝖾𝗅𝗅 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝖻𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now