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"So, now that we have a child in the house there are a few things that need to change." She said as I kneeled in the playroom. "I obviously can't grab you by the throat anymore when you're being bad. So we are going to use hand singles, for different things ok?" I nodded. "Ok?" She asked again.

"Yes, mistress."

"We don't have time for your punishment now but you need to write 50 lines o-"

"Write lines?" I butted in.

"Ok, 100 lines." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you like to shoot for 200?"

"No mistress, I'm sorry."

"Good girl." She leaned down kissing my lips lightly then grabbing my throat pulling me up. "Go to my office, I'll be in there in a second." I nodded and went to her office. I shouldn't even be getting in trouble... it's her fault. I sat at her desk with my arms folded and when she walked in she laid a paper on the desk, the top line said 'I will not go behind Mistresses back again' I lifted my eyes to her. "I'll take 66, the paper double-sided. Any complaints and it'll be two pages."

"Yes, mistress," I said and she leaned down kissing my head then she walked towards the door.

"I'm going to shower. If you're done before me you can join me, if not too bad." I held back an eye roll. "I love you kitten." She called from the hallway.

"I love you, mistress," I said and I started writing.

"All done?" She asked as I walked into the bathroom.

"Yes, mistress."

"Good girl, go shower." I slowly washed my hair and my brain wandered everywhere, to Lucy, her past, Luca, his past, new york. I shook my head trying to stop the thinking, if I get bad again Lucy is going to make me go to therapy and I do not want that shit again. As I pulled a towel around my chest my phone buzzed, a FaceTime from Damon.

"Hey." I smiled propping him up on the counter.

"Good morning, what are you up to?" He asked.

"Just got out of the shower."

"Really? Couldn't tell." He said and I laughed.

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood."

"So, how are you and Lucy doing?"

"Well, I'm scared for my punishment. So far I've had to write lines."

"And What'd you do?"

"Why do you assume I did something!?" I asked and he didn't reply. "In my defence-"

"Knew it."

"Shut up, in my defence I just wanted coffee. I forgot Kim's office was next to my favourite coffee shop, Sue me." I rolled my eyes.

"Kitten!" Lucy said loudly from somewhere outside the bathroom.

"Shit." Damon laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Anyways," I said quieter. "She was sneaking around again, I had the right to get curious."

"You do know you could have asked her right."

"That's what she said." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, I was wrong. Moving on."

"Why was she sneaking around, are you engaged yet?"

"I wish, but no. She was trying to get her house approved her fostering."

"Even better!" He said happily.

"I know right." I nodded laying the phone face down so I could get dressed.

"So did you get approved?"

"We have a little boy, his name is Luca. He is so sweet and adorable." Once I pulled my shirt on I picked my phone back up.

"How old is he?"

"He's just turned ten, and this morning it was so sad. He said that his mom didn't want him so it was ok he was taken from her." I mumbled.

"Oh my god, that is heartbreaking." I nodded.

"I know, I wanted to cry," I mumbled. "He's gone to therapy now so when he's done we're going to pick him up and go to Target, the poor thing needs new clothes."

"Well, I'm glad all is well on the war front. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later ok?"

"Alright, bye." I pressed end and brushed my hair as Lucy walked in, she wrapped her arms around my waist tightly and kissed my neck.

"You are not allowed-" she ran her hand up my thigh. "To wear underwear for the next week, and you can only wear dresses. Understand?"

"But mistress," I mumbled. "I'm not wearing any panties already." She looked at my phone to see the time and she quickly turned me to face her, her lips went to mine as she lifted me on the countertop. Without warning, she shoved three fingers inside me making me moan loudly. "Fuck." I put my head back against the wall as she grabbed my throat, I closed my eyes and moaned again as her tongue made contact with my clit. She sucked on it lightly and I reached down to her accidentally grabbing her hair, she grabbed my wrist tightly with her free hand and I could feel myself already on edge. "Mistress... I'm gonna..."

"Already kitten? Oh no, we can't have that." She dropped her hands and kissed me, I could taste myself on her and I knew she loved it. "God, you are so wet."

"Look who's fucking me, how could I not be?"

"Um..." she sighed. "Come here." She grabbed my arm pulling me off the counter, she led me into the playroom after fumbling with the lock. "I want you to fuck me." She said and I smiled to myself. "Now kitten."

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