~Chapter 1~

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After vanishing from the roof top, he reappeared in front of an apartment block (he is still in Musutafu). It was where he grown up and lived during all his past life. It was here that most of his memories of his mom were. Of course he didn't return back after the 'incident', mainly because of his plan. He started to make his way towards his mom's apartment, with a lot of nostalgic memories flooding his head. He knocked on the door 3 times.




"I am coming" he heard. "Hello who i-" she stopped immediately when she saw him smiling at her.

"I am back, mom" is all she heard before she fainted.




She woke up some time after on her sofa. She let out a sigh while saying "Ugh I-I don't remember sleeping on the sofa".

"It's normal because you fainted" When she heard this she freeze. She couldn't believe that her dead son could talk to her. She thought she was dreaming or crazy.

"I-I-Izu-Izuku ???" she asked as she turned her head towards the voice.

"The one and only" he respond with his usual smile

She immediately ran towards him and hugged him while sobbing. After some minutes she let him go and sat at the table.

"So are you real ?" she asked with fear in her question.

The boy let out a chuckle and said "Don't worry mom, I am"

Confused the mom asked another question. "But how U.A. said that you died during a mission."

As soon as he heard that, the smile disappeared letting a sad expression. "So they said that huh ?". She then nodded her head. Letting out a sigh, the green teenager asked "What I'm about to tell you will change your perception of U.A. Especially, about my old classmates and Bakugo."

His mom was curious, shocked and nervous. Curious because of what he was about to tell her. Shocked because Izuku didn't call Bakugo 'Bakugo', he call him 'Kacchan' or 'Katsuki' but not Bakugo. And nervous because she didn't know what to expect.

She nodded her head and let her son explained the truth...


After, getting in the car EraserHead, Nezu and All Might were all silent. Soon Aizawa started to dirve and heading back to U.A. He then asked a question that everyone had in mind.

"Do you really think it's him." asked a still shocked Aizawa.

"I-I don't know recovery girl said that he was dead due to all the injuries. But the corpse vanished soon after that so I really don't know" stated a sad-Might.

"It could be a possibilities, but we will have to wait Sunday." Nezu reminded.

"You are not seriously going to get there ?!!" Asked Aizawa angry and stunned.

"It's the only way to have informations, beside it's not like we have a choice." said the mouse-bear-thing creature.

Aizawa let out a loud sigh of frustration and annoyance.

"And why Takoba beach ?" he asked in confusion.

"I don't have any answers about that." admitted Nezu.

"I do" All Might said as he look down in shame and sadness.

"What ?! Why ?" asked EraserHead.

"sigh It this where I trained Midoryia before U.A. entrance Exam. He trained there during 10 months by cleaning the beach ." admitted the 8th user of OFA.

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