~Chapter 20 (Short)~

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"Bye Bakugo." Izuku said after he put him to sleep.

"Now I can finally concentrate fully on Ochako~" he declared thinking.


Talking about her she was fully prepared to unleash her mighty power on Izuku.

He was prepared...

She was too....

Finally she shouted:

"GRAVITY CRUSH !" [Thx for the idea]

It made a huge ball, just like Izuku's domain, around them. The difference was in the inside. While the space in Izuku was empty, except for stars that were at light-years, Ochako's was filled with planets, moons, asteroids,... There was also some shades of pink space-dust.

It was quite beautiful, to say the least.

Izuku was so impressed that he let her do her monologue.

"This is the best I can do and it will be more than enough to beat you !" Ochako exclaimed with a concentrated look on her face.

"H...How d-did you learnt that power~." Izuku replied while laying on the ground due to a huge amount gravitational weight being put on his back.

"You taught me ! Now, I will be the strongest and make you repay all of those painful hours of training !" she declared while making an evil laugh.

Of course, Izuku started to laugh aswell which shocked Ochako.

"W-why are you laughing for ?" she asked really interested to know the reason.

"Well, it could be the fact that you are using something that I taught you against me..." he replied getting up.

"...or the fact that the thing I taught you didn't work, due to your lack of training to maximize its effect..." he added putting his hand in front of him.

"...but it's just your laugh that got me laughing." he ended by crossing his fingers and saying his magical sentence:

"Domain expansion: infinity void"


They both arrived in Izuku's domain. It was unchanged.

"Well, there's a lot to say on you and your domain." he started as the other teenager could only listen to him.

"First, it is too powerful for you at the moment. It isn't bad, not at all, just that you must train in order to held it perfectly and not bruise your body like that or worse..." he explained.

"There are multiple other things I want to tell you about your tactics. Now let's talk about your improvements." he said as he smiled.

"You improved a lot, a f*ck ton ! Even if you lack of training for your domain, the other parts were really well done ! Your fighting styles, fight strategies and the way you could keep up with me was absolutely impressive !" he declared.

"Now what you need is rest, I will talk to you later~" he said as Ochako began to lose consciousness, before she finally became unconscious.


Every teachers were shocked. Not only due to Izuku but also due to Ochako.

Izuku appeared in the room.

"I won, but it's up to you to decided whenever they passed or not. Don't forget to check on them, psychologically." he simply said before teleporting away avoiding more questions.

Everyone went silent, until Nezu started to speak.

"We can clearly see that Izuku's idea behind that exam, wasn't to test them but to retaliate against his classmates. Therefore, I think the best idea would be to let them pass, but with the bare minimum due to their poor performance." he declared receiving a nod from everyone in the room.

"Well, I need to check on them." said Recovery girl as she exited the room.

"Me too." added Aizawa as he followed behind her.


Michael aka the United state's president, was at his desk when he received a phone call. It was from Cary.

"Ms President..." he started.

"Cary, what is it ?" he asked.

"The operation can finally take place, our facility in Nevada as been constructed and the team is ready to start its operation in Musutafu. I only need your approval."

"You have my approval."

"Understood sir !" he exclaimed before hanged-up.

Michael stopped what he was doing...

He went to the windows, and looked at the sky as he was thinking.

'Finally... after all this time.... I can finally have the last finger.... and open the breach !'

He went at his desk, before he looked at his phone.


Kurogiri was taking a nap, before he was woken-up by his phone ringing.

'Who is it again ?' he thought to himself.

"Who is it ?" he asked.

"Understood." he replied as he teleported somewhere else.


"Master !" Kurogiri said to AFO.

"What is it ?" he replied, a bit angry at his disturbance.

"It's happening !" he declared.

AFO smiled...

"Thank you, you can go out now." he simply said as he started to giggle.

Kurogiri was quite scared and he teleported quickly out of the room, leaving the old man giggling to himself.

The giggle turned into a laugh...

The laugh turned into a hysterical laugh...

Until it finally died down.

'Finally... after what the past generations have been fighting over... after what my brother and I have benne fighting over...it will finally come to an end... and a happy end for us !' he replied before looking at a picture of him and his brother.

'... and the doors will open.'


Author's note:

Thank you everyone for waiting.

Unfortunately the chapters are quite short.

My exams will start soon so I wont be able to post a lot.

Also, check out my friend's twitter and instagram page, he post a lot of beautiful pics, taken in video games !

His twitter: @helios_303off

His instagram: helios.303 

Thank you all and byeee !!! (*^3^)/~☆

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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