Part 1 - The stream

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Tommy pov

I sat in front of my pc. I was confused and unsure about what just happened. Voices ran through my head, my anxiety sky-rocketed, and before I knew it, I realised I was having a panic attack...

30 minutes before

I had been streaming when Wilbur asked me to join vc 2 along with the rest of the dream smp. I knew that if I didn't join, my chat would ask why, so I entered the call.


"Oh shut up you little gremlin." Wilbur replied, causing everyone to collapse in a fit of laughter. I sat there nervously, wondering when everyone would tell me what was going on.

They're laughing at your expense...
Are they really your friends?

Before I knew it, I had zoned out and everyone was yelling at me.

"Sorry guys, I'm just really tired, whats going on?" I asked. I hoped they accepted my excuse for being tired, it wasn't exactly a lie, my sleeping schedule had been ruined for the past weeks.

"We've all decided to meet up!" Tubbo shouted!

All of a sudden, dots started to appear in my vision. I shook my head and kept listening to Dream explain the details of the trip.

"We'll be going to Florida, where I have brought house for about 3 months. It will be a long trip so pack all of your stuff and you can all start to come next week. I'll be paying for the plane tickets, and you guys can contact me with a date later, ok?" Dream said.

"Sure." I replied, my vision becoming worse and my breathing slowing down more and more. Luckily, no one noticed that I had left the call, and even if they did, they would assume I was talking to my parents.

Go kill yourself...
No one likes you...
They only want content...

Before I knew it, I had passed out on the floor and no one had noticed...

Time skip - next morning

"Hey mom, I was wondering if I could go to Florida for a few months with my friends? We are all meeting up and Dream is paying for the plane tickets." I asked, silently begging her to say no.

"Of course sweetie, just call me every week and you can go meet up with your friends." My mom replied, a bright smile on her face.

My face fell, but I tried not to let it show. After all, I didn't want to worry my mother.

"Alright mom, I'm gonna start packing now!" I replied cheerfully.

Walking to my room, I suddenly remembered about all the secrets I was keeping from them.

Your sleep schedule is ruined, you sleep 1 to 2 hours every night if you are lucky.
You barely eat, yet you are still so fat.
How are you gonna hide so much stuff from them...

I'll sort it out when I get there I guess...

Timeskip to when Wilbur comes to pick Tommy up

Running up to my room, I grabbed my suitcases and ran downstairs. I heard Wilbur's car waiting for me outside, so I  threw open my door and sprinted over to him.

"OMG HI WILBUR!" I shouted.

"Tommy keep your voice down, I swear, at this point the astronauts in space will probably hear you" Wilbur replied, the ghost of a smile still lingering on his face.

My face fell, but I tried to show it.

This definitely hasn't got off to a good start...

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