Chapter 10 - I'm not jealous

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Tommy’s pov

It’s been a few years. Yes my mental health has improved, but these things have scarred me for life. I can cover up my scars with long sleeve hoodies, concealer, or make-up. But I know that my mental health will never be the same. 

I used to talk to Tubbo whenever something was wrong, but now I don’t understand why he's always talking to ranboo and not be now.

I guess I've been replaced...

My own friends...


I had been clean for around a year now. I hadn't cut myself or starved myself. But I felt the pain slowly build up in my chest, and I longed for relief. For the pain to end.

I wished for the knife against my skin again, and before I knew it, I was knocking on tubbos door.

"Tubbo, can we talk, i-" I started to speak

"Tommy I'm streaming with ranboo, go away please." Tubbo replied.

I walked away, and before I knew it, I was standing in front of a bathroom sink, holding a razor to my wrist.

White lines covered my arm, and I closed my eyes as I heard the familiar sound of the razor slicing down my wrist.

One, two, three, ten, twenty...

Twenty three cuts. Blood streamed down my arms while I held back tears. I heard a knock at the door.

Answer you idiot!

The voice said. I gasped but opened the door, pulling on my hoodie and hiding my hands behind my back. Wilbur stood there and started talking to me. I made small talk as long as I could before I started seeing stars in my vision and sat down.

Big mistake.

My sleeve was pulled up and I saw Wilbur's shocked face as he looked at my arm, once pale skin now soaked in blood.

I felt tears well in my eyes, my throat sore from holding back my cries.

Silently, Wilbur bandaged my arm and walked away. Not a single person spoke. I guess we had a mutual agreement not to tell anyone, but also an agreement not to do something like this ever again.

Useless child

I looked around in shock. I hadn't realised this because I was stressed about Wilbur, but somehow...

The voice had returned...

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