Chapter 6 - Camping

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Tommy's pov

The whole room exploded and I found myself standing face to face with Tubbo.

"Wow. I really hate you Tommy... Just leave us alone..." He yelled

"Wait... us?" I asked?

"Yea me and ranboo. Now leave us alone!" Tubbo shouted and suddenly disappeared.

I heard dream talking to the nurse outside my room, and then everyone came in.

"Good news Tommy, your injuries weren't that serious and we've concluded that your self harming actions were only a result of your emotions going into overdrive, quite common for a teenager like you. You won't need to see a therapist and you are free to leave now." The nurse said and smiled at me.

I smiled back but then I remembered I had told Tubbo everything.


As I walked out of the hospital with everyone else, I put my mask back on and pretended to be happy again. It's not like they would notice anyway...

"guys we should go on a camping trip." Sapnap suddenly suggested.

"Sure, when do you wanna go?" Dream asked.

"Well if everyone is OK with it, we could start packing tonight and we could go tomorrow." George suggested.

After everyone had gone to sleep and finished packing, I heard my phone make a beeping noise. 

From Wilbur:

Hey Tommy, 

I’m really sorry for pushing you into the pool and yelling at you,
I was really stressed and I guess I took my anger out on you. I 

was just worried about you, because I know you weren’t eating
that much food, and I was really worried about your mental health.
Can you please forgive me? It’s ok if you don’t want me back in the
house, I completely understand, but can you give me a second chance?

From Tommy:

Hey Wilbur,
Thanks for apologising, I completely get why you’re stressed. It it’s ok
with the others, you can come back to the house as long as you promise

to let me have my personal space ok? 

From Wilbur:

Thanks Tommy, I hope we can still be friends.

From Tommy:

Yea, we’ll always be friends :) Soz, gtg now, I’m gonna ask the others if you can stay.

Luckily, everyone was still up, and when I told them about how Wilbur apologised, they were unsure, but they agreed to let him come on the camping trip. I texted Wilbur and he drove to the house. After a very long apology from Wilbur and a lot of lecturing from Dream and Eret, Wilbur went to pack his stuff and we all left. 

(Also yes, ik this is will be cliche but KEEP READING PLS )

After we had finally gotten to the campsite, Sapnap pulled some plastic shot glasses and a LOT of alcohol. There were at least 5 bottles of red wine, an entire crate of beer, 2 bottles of red wine, and around 8 bottles of shot-glass wine. (is that what you call it? I have no idea what the wine for shots is soooo-) 

Skeppy was pouring me a coke before George whispered something in Skeppy’s ear. I could tell that George was extremely drunk already, but Skeppy looked straight at me and held up a bottle of shots. The coke was poured out of the container and filled with alcohol, which Skeppy then handed back to me. 

After around 20 minutes, everyone was already drunk except bbh, who claimed that “he was a child friendly streamer and he wanted to see the look on all of our faces when we had a hangover in the morning.” This earned him a couple of swear words from Dream and George who ended up getting told off by bad. 

Everyone was pouring alcohol into bottles. Bad was convinced that all the minors weren’t drunk, but he did get a little suspicious when Skeppy stumbled towards the car and poured more alcohol back into my coke can.

“Skeppy, what are you doing?” Bad asked

Skeppy was smart enough not to answer and to flip off bad but I’m pretty sure he only did that coz he was drunk- Anyway, after around 3 bottles of “coke” Bad started talking to me. 

“Tommy, are you ok?” Bad asked

“Yepimfine” I muttered, my words slurring together

“Are you sure?” Bad asked again

“Imjusttired” I muttered again, faking a yawn.


“Alright, alright. Just one more glass of coke and then I’m going------” I complained

Yep. It was not one more glass. I’m pretty sure in the end, I got like 10 more glasses of coke. I had no idea how I could drink that much but I did. All of the non-reasonable adults ended up pouring me glasses of alcohol, and apparently, no one else noticed. 

Until I walked straight into the campfire…

“TOMMY!” Bad screamed as he saw me

“Yea?” I asked, still standing in the middle of the fire, unaware that I was literally ON FIRE!

“YOU’RE ON FIRE! YOU’RE STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIRE!” Bad shouted as he tried to pull me away

“Huh-this isnotfire” I muttered, my words slurring together again.

“THAT’S A FIRE!” Bad yelled again

“There’s legitno waytocheck” I whispered

“Yep there is” Skeppy yelled, because being drunk has a lot of side effects -_- Don’t drink too much kids or you’ll end up being lectured by bad

Pulling out some fire starters and getting like 10 million matches, Skeppy tossed them all in the fire which immediately shot up to 3 meters. 

“SKEPPY!” Bad yelled

“Welp, we know it’s a fire now” Skeppy said as he laughed. 

“TOMMY GO TO SLEEP!” Bad yelled

“Ok, ok” I said, but not before banging straight into the car, vomiting like 3 times, tripping over everyone and everything, and catching my jacket on fire. Yes. Again… 



Anyway I have a question for you all 

So my friend told me that I should write the entire storyline and publish it at once, coz ppl might forget my storyline and stop reading it, but that means I'm gonna have to stop updating for the next 3 to 7 days if I wanna complete the story. Once I complete it, I'll be uploading everything at once and starting a new skephalo high school au so what do you guys think I should do?

Pls comment either to continue daily updates, or take a giant break from writing for 3 to 7 days and come back and post the entire story.

Have a great day/night guys and pls let me know your decision🙂

Chasing Life - Tommyinnit Angst DsmpWhere stories live. Discover now