Chapter 13 - Goodbye...

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Tommy's pov

"So this is it? We've fixed our friendship?" I said, looking warily at Tubbo.

"Tommy, I know We've had our ups and downs, most of them caused by me, but I want you to know that I've changed and I'm sorry. But no matter what, I still want to be best friends. So bud... what do you say?"

"Of course. Tommy and tubbo, just like before huh?" I replied, a smile on my face

"Yep. The clingy duo, best friends for life!" Tubbo responded as we both laughed.

So. This is the end of my story. And yes, it's a happy one. Because throughout all my struggles I've realised that I truly want to stay alive. And to those out there who don't, let my story remind you that if you can just wait one more day, survive for one more week, there's a light at the end of tthe tunnel.

And Wether that light is a train or an angel, you'll just have to wait to find out...

Goodbye, my dear readers... I wish you the very best.

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