Chapter 4 - Struggling

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Tommy's pov

The next day after me and Wilbur's fight, he still hadn't texted me. I kept waiting for a response, but when it was obvious that he still thought he was right, I went downstairs to get breakfast.

Why are you till eating  you're so fat already. Maybe that's why Wolbur pushed you into the pool...

Ignoring the voice, I put on a hoodie and walked downstairs, If I ate too much, I could always just puke it out. I saw Dream making toast, bacon, and eggs for everyone, and as he saw me he greeted me warmly.

"Hey Tommy, do you want some toast?" Dream asked.

"Sure" I said, smiling.

I felt a bit guilty after eating all of my food, so I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom. Sticking two fingers in my throat, I braced for the swearing pain that came with it, and I threw up in the toilet. I spluttered and coughed, and I realised that I had coughed up a lot of blood as well as food.

I quickly flushed it and rinsed my mouth, and went back downstairs. Everyone was sitting there, silently...

"Tommy... this isn't a very, uhhhh, soundproof house, I don't know if you've noticed..." tubbo said, the smile wiped from his face.


How... how did they find out? You need to lie... NOW

"Yea I wasn't feeling well this this morning. I wanted to try to eat some food before I told you. I didn't want to worry you. I think I have a stomach bug or something..." I said.

"Alright... if you say so Tommy, but if you're having problems, you can always come and talk to us Alright?" Bbh replied.

I nodded and walked back to my room. After I was satisfied that everyone had left the house,  I raised my razor that I had brought with me and sliced my arm.

One for being stupid.
Two for letting them nearly find out.
Three for being a mistake
Four for kicking Wilbur out
Five for not being perfect
Six for worrying everyone
And seven just for the pain...

Twenty eight cuts. The blood started dripping down my arm, and I barely made it to my bed before passing out. Hopefully if anyone came to check on me, they would think that I was sleeping...

When I woke up, I realised that the blood had completely soaked through my hoodie. Sighing, I put it into my bag and went to bandage my wounds. The good thing was that they had stopped bleeding, so it wasn't like I would die from a few cuts.

I went downstairs and I saw Tubbo and Ranboo. Hey guys, wanna go to the park?

"Sure!" They both replied.

"Last one to the door is a rotten tomato!" Tubbo yelled!

On my way to the door, I felt myself trip over something and my head hit the floor.

"Owwwwwww. That hurt." I exclaimed as I tried to stand back up. I felt myself fall back down and something being placed on my head. Then everything went black...

Tubbos pov

"RANBOO!" I shouted frantically.

"YEA?" He replied?

"CALL 911" I shouted.

I could hear him pull out his phone and dial the numbers as he ran towards me.

"Hello, what's your emergency?" The lady on the other end asked.

I grabbed the phone and replied

"My friend fell and hit his head and he's unconscious and he's bleeding..." I muttered, trying to get the words out.

"We will send someone right away, You need to try and stop the bleeding by putting pressure on his head, and you need to hold his head upright  ok?" The lady said.

I saw Ranboo staring at Tommy's arm, but I didn't say anything and quickly called the others as Ranboo tried to stop the bleeding.

At the hospital

Tommy's pov

I was in darkness. Nothing was there. My head felt like it had exploded and my arm felt like it was being burnt with fire. Slowly, I could see my friends sobbing and crying.

"It's all my fault... I didn't notice..." tubbo sobbed.

"Tubbo, it's ok, I'm right here." I shouted

No. You're not there. A booming voice echoed through my mind.

"Who are you!" I shouted. "And where am I?"

I am The voice that controls you. I have served my purpose of killing you... the cuts made you weak, and the lack of food made you fragile. It was easy to kill you... now you're trapped in your own mind, and im here to make you suffer for the rest of eternity...



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