Unexpected Visitor

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"Halstead I have a visitor for you." Sergeant Platt called from the top of the stairs. The members of the intelligence team were scattered around the room at their desks. Following Platt in army greens was Jay's best friend Mouse, otherwise known as Greg Gerwitz.

"Mouse! I didn't know you were back in town!" Jay stood up to shake Mouse's hand and give him a friendly slap on the back. Sergeant Voight came out of his office to greet his former tech wizard who had re-enlisted in the army rangers. Mouse shook hands with Voight and Ruzek before Jay introduced him to Hailey.

"Sorry to drop in like this but I have a week in town and I had to come check in and make sure you are staying out of trouble." Mouse raised his eyebrow at Jay with a smile. "I have to book into a hotel still but I thought maybe we could get together for a beer with some buddies tonight if you're free."

"We will make that happen," Voight nodded and clapped Jay on the back. "It's good to see you Mouse."

"No way you are staying in a hotel, you can stay at my place for the week. We have way too much to catch up on." Jay insisted as Voight's phone rang. Voight walked back towards his office as he answered.

"I appreciate that man but I don't want to put you out." Mouse frowned slightly.

"Shut up, I'll give you my key, go ahead and make yourself at home. I'll pick you up after shift and we'll go out." Jay pulled out his keys and pulled one off the ring.

"We've got a lead on Jack Barker and his crew. We need to roll out and pick him up." Voight pulled his jacket on as he re-entered the room. The intelligence team jumped into action getting jackets on and ready to roll.

"Sorry to cut and run but we've been after this guy for a week now. I'll give you a call as soon as I can." Jay quickly wrote his address down for Mouse and handed him the key.

"Ya, ya. Some things never change." Mouse smiled and followed Platt back down the stairs. 

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