I'm OK

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Later Hailey walked Jay up to his apartment door. He had his arm across her shoulders but was breathing much easier. At the door Jay gave her a kiss and brushed the hair from the side of her face. 
“Enjoy your week off. Try not to take on anyone bigger than you.” She smiled and gave him another quick kiss before turning and walking away. Jay smiled and shook his head before going into the apartment. Mouse was laying on the couch but sat up when Jay walked in.
“You’re home earlier than I expected. Everything went ok in the raid?” Mouse asked as Jay sat on the opposite end. 
“We got them all but I was tackled by a human refrigerator. I’m afraid I’m going to have to bail on beers tonight. Sarg gave me the rest of the week off though. I thought maybe we could see if we can get tickets to a game.” Jay leaned back on the couch and put his feet up on the table. 
“I could cancel on the other guys and stay here. Maybe I should, to make sure you’re ok.” Mouse frowned as he saw Jay rub his ribs. 
“No way, you’re only here for a week. Go on and get together with the other guys. We have the rest of the week. I’m going to take a couple tylenol and crash on the couch. Nothing’s broken, I’m just a bit sore. I swear.” Jay insisted, taking a deep breath. 
“If you’re sure. We’re meeting for dinner, I won’t be too late.” Mouse bit his lip and looked at his friend trying to decide if Jay was downplaying injuries. 
“Seriously, I’m good.” Jay smiled and hid a wince as he reached for the tv remote. Mouse sighed but got up and headed out for the evening. 

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